Beautiful place to visit! Is worth going, from the lookout you can see the whole valley below.. nice off-road riding
Nice hike of about 3 miles to the old lookout site from the end of West Snider Road, climbing 2500 feet from the Sol Duc River to near the ridge top. The lookout is gone due to vandalism, but a nice observation deck has been constructed in its place. Unfortunately the bench that was on the deck in past years is gone, but there still is a picnic table and benches, and a pit toilet next to the small parking area at the site. I prefer to do this hike on weekdays when its less likely that motorists in big pickups or quads will be there (a road also accesses Kloshe Nanitch). The Sol Duc Valley, Lake Crescent, and Mount Olympus can be seen from the site. A 1-1/2 mile loop near the top of the trail goes out to the North Point electronic site and back to Kloshe Nanitch on the closed section of the road. From North Point one can hike the ridge trail east about 3 miles to a junction with the Mt Muller trail system.
Very cool panoramic view includes mountain tops and Lake Crescent. There was a nice little waterfall surprise on the way. Road is rough, might be able to make it without 4WD, but it might be iffy depending on washouts. Its not terribly steep in any one place, nor are there frighteningly close drop-offs. Driving up takes about an hour. Little picnic area at the top with outhouses, (untested by me so dont count on anything being posh!). So very worth doing at least once, and I might make it happen maybe once a summer. Like most experiences, pictures dont do it justice.
Gorgeous forest service lookout. Be very careful on the road up, big potholes and lots of brush on the side. My 2005 Subaru with all wheel drive is able to make it. No fee up top, an outhouse, a big platform for the lookout.You enter the snider work center, drive to the back corner of the compound that immediately starts uphill on a dirt road. 20 mins in stay right at the fork.
Amazing views of the valley below, great hiking trails!
Good views. Vault toilet clean. Road in was one lane and super narrow without many good turnouts if you met someone going the other way.
Not a lot of views on the trail, but at the top, the view is great!
Hike or drive good lookout point