My best friend and I drove from Nashville to Miami we decided to make some stops . Montgomery the capital of Alabama is pretty nice city full of historical facts and spots one of them is The Rosa Park’s Bus Stop it’s the Montgomery bus boycott with the entire mean of the word of protest and claim of the rights as human and as American. If you are in Montgomery do not miss this spot .
Blown Away! What a wonderful job at preserving history and educating visitors. My family and I were lucky enough to get a tour from a lifelong resident around the square, the bldg Ms.Parks worked at, the bus stop, and he gave us a glimpse of what hed seen. I feel so blessed for my boys to hear for themselves how it was, instead of mom rattling off history. They thought it was the coolest thing! I definitely recommend touring through Montgomery if you get the chance, and this is a must see!
What an experience. Montgomery was a surprise city itself but knowing what the great Miss Parks had done and being right where it happened was very heartfelt.What an amazing, strong, woman!
A truly great life like statue. See it at night, its surreal!
Great representation of Rosa Parks standing to catch the bus. Brings you closer to the 1955!
A touching experience and a definite reminder of how life in America can be.
Its pretty cool to be at a place that was such a pivotal moment in u.s. history.
Excellent! Alot of information. Alot of history and knowledge. My father is from Alabama and to see how much the downtown area has changed. I WILL BE BACK!
Nice statue. But that is not where she got on the bus.
Watch out for the meter maids!!!! Theyre waiting to pounce on anything at anytime.
Showing a friend from out of town and Montgomery. The recently erected statue is beyond amazing.
Its interesting and good for a walk, you can sit and enjoy the view or visit with friends. Great coffeeshop in the Kress building on the same block. Several times Ive been bothered by passing people who hit on me or ask me for money, but nothing too bad.
Unbeliefable what happened back in 50 S. I was realy shocked when I walked along the Historic route.
The walk up and down montgomery is very inspirational
Nice place to meet different people and great customer service ...
A brand new Rosa Parks Statue is there.. Always waiting for the bus.A new landmark in town.
Its still under construction and nothing really there. If its anything like Rosa Parks Museum it will be a really nice space.
Very educational great place to visit for history.
We stand in the shoulders of giants. She was one of the big ones.
Nice historical statue.
Its nice to know Montgomery is growing
Nice little park and the only thing I didnt like was when this guy can over to bother me.
Great historical spot.
Me and Rosa Parks. In courtyard of the Slave Trade.
Very nice place to visit
Awesome place e to visit.
That was long overdue
Great learning experience
Awesome historical landmark
Dec 1 1955 should be remembered.
Nice park
History remembers
Blink and you might miss it, however the history of nearby Court Square is also worth time.
Currently under construction. Nothing to see, not even a plaque. Disappointed
Love it!
Love it
Skip this...
Montgomery classic