Ok. I isnt the place it was the company.Lots of noise from the tracks and road.But the mountain view is excellent if you sit in your car with the radio on.
As an artist and landscape photographer,this is my favorite pocket park.I was a Park Maintenance Ranger for7 years in California and tiny parks arecalled pocket parks.For outstanding sunrises visit the park 45 minutesto an hour prior to sunrise to capture sometruly amazing images!Some of my better ones are below.It is tiny! I think only 5 spots to park.I love to go here for my sunrise shots over theCascade Mountains due East.Best in months that end in the letter R.Or anytime its very hot and partly cloudy.
One of the Brett best places seeto the the sun rise.
It can get a little messy and the view isnt the greatest. But its never busy
Lovely place to look at the Amazon warehouse and some trains while I wait for my flex time, only 3 parking spaces though :(
I love this view of the Washington State mountains from North Everett Viola Oursler Viewpoint. Youll always see something gorgeous even on a cloudy or rainy day. It makes you just want to pack a backpack and hike over there to the mountains when you gaze upon this majestic scene from this view point or any view point really! I challenge anyone at all to look around and feel the same way, as if youll plan your next trip from here or a future trip and I know for sure youll reminisce the times you spent there in the past because mountains like these deserve such a grand view point as this one!
When I first saw this I thought, wow 4parking spots I believe is all it has thats not really much of anything! But then economy began to occur to me how nice it was to have that little look out like that shows so much territorial beauty! More of those that people could enjoy taking a break or having lunch would be wonderful. Also considering its just 4 parking spots and a handicap parking spot and a single trash can, it cant be very hard to maintain has to be much cheaper than some of our less visited areas.
It was the visit that was very tranquil and enjoyable
Hard to pull in and park in my long bed truck. There is only like 2 parking spots plus a handicap spot. I didnt get out of my truck to see what this viewpoint is all about, I just needed to pull over and use my phone for a minute.
Its a cute little rest area!
Its called a viewpoint, and thats all it really is- just a couple of parking spaces, a few benches, and a lovely view of the Cascades and nearby railroad tracks. Nice place to rest if youre taking a walk.
Great views nice place for a walk.
Its nice place
Tweakers with a shopping cart
Just a nice lil spot to park for a quick bite or rest. Only I think 4 regular parking spots and 1 handicap . But awesome view of the NW side of the Cascades and of course bigol Mt. Baker in full view. Also couple benches if applicable.....
A great place to watch trains
Love a good view
Nice views of the Snohomish River Delta, and Cascade Mountains.
The view is spectacular from one glacier to the other. Sunrise to sunset, gorgeous! It is like a small rest area in the vista of town.
Love the location needs more attention from the city or could be more like Riverside Park
Lots of traffic hard to get to durring commute times
Looks like it was recently re done and is actually very nice now with a great view and some benches
Beautiful view
Epic spot
Its a cool look out if you enjoy watching trains. An thats about it
As of September 2019 the parking area has reopened, but some soil remediation is still underway. You can take in the view, but dont count on being able to walk Rover.
Great look out
Great view
Nice view
Dont recall
Love this spot.
Like the view
Its Everett
Good times
! wow everything you thaut you never saw
Not really a park but nice view
Very rude
Rainy, wet and all around moist .
Cool place
Stunning view