4/24/16The absolute best run Ive ever participated in was my recent Save Mt. Diablo 10K Trail Run last weekend. There were luxury bus shuttles to Castle Rock Park from Northgate High School and they ran frequently. A wonderful baggage check area was well organized, and they had lots of tents set up to assist people who hadnt picked up their packets early.The course was beautiful with lots of hills and creek crossings. The drink/aid stations were the best part. They had all sorts of snacks, drinks, candy, treats, and even ice cold water to sponge you off if you wanted! It was amazing!At the finish, after receiving beautiful medals, delicious Its It ice cream was being passed out. I picked pumpkin flavor and enjoyed the sweet treat before waiting in line for some chips, popcorn, fruit, cookies and candy. There was also a plate of BBQ available for $10, but I probably would pass this up next year - the event food was better than the plate I received.Everything about this race was perfect. It was absolutely my favorite event thanks to the great organizers and volunteers. Brazen racing is the best!