The energy at this event is amazing. With tens of thousands of people moving in close proximity, there was no rudeness. Participants honor their loved ones in many different ways.
All Souls is something everyone should enjoy and contribute to. This event is an amazing way to help bridge our gap for loss and understanding. Thank you
Simply amazing, both in substance and scope. If you havent been to a finale yet, words will do the multi-faceted display little justice. So go out and experience this unique display for yourself (and participate!)
What a wonderful gathering to be part of! Great for all ages. Watch or join in, dress up or not. This is one of the greatest holidays that should be embraced by all people. A day to remember all who have lived and celebrate their time & memory. If you know nothing of this day I encourage you to learn and make it a part of your life. The procession brings wonderful feelings of life & energy!
Every year is different but I always appreciate it. The band for 2018 was amazing as well as the other performances. There is usually a theme they do every year and you can see that on their easy to use website.
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Amazing emotional procession. Always walk every year but this year my mom died so I walked for her. Will always be at all souls if I can make it to Tucson in november. I got married at all souls weekend. Its a great time everytime
Everyone in the world should see this at least once in their lifetime
Great food and company !
One of the BEST events to Tucson! True community spirit abounds!
Had an awesome time
Great place to go was very busy and crowded this year but amazing as always.
Acrobats were as boring as can be and the screen was tiny so seeing from the back was difficult
A lot of fun and its free. It was also very accomidating on a personal level.
The location wasnt as good this year, but we enjoyed the procession.
The greatest ever
Always an amazing and spiritual experience
Love this celebration!
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