My sister and brother inlaw just moved here and really enjoy the place.
Its an okay place good friend lives there
Heard they turned off electric on someone who was out of work due to COVID. Nice.
Its cool
Love the people here already
Very poor management & park upkeep is minimal!!! Over priced lot rent charged to residents!!!!
They was very nice n they accidentally gave wrong address out my way n they even lowered the price n told me they were really sorry...
Had a good time
Trailor park atmosphere quiet friendly neighbors
Cozy trailer park. Very quiet most of the time.
I have a friend that lives there
Quiet area on west side
Not the greatest part of town and some rude people
Kinda trashy honestly.
Not my first pick
Dropped a friend off
Meth heads scum lords busy bodies a manager who doesnt care about the rules as long you pay lot fee and doesnt check the electric meters every month and will attempt double bill you
Exactly what youd expect!
Family lives here.