With all the covid restrictions this is the only thing I haven’t really seen them clean so I would just be cautious of that to make sure you wash your hands after riding in your own little cart. They don’t move very fast, you can’t bump them, and it is not an accurate simulation of driving a car. Chances are if you drive a real car you can’t drive this car.
Rating based on my experience taking my son on this ride when he was about four and a half. Every little boy or girl wants to take the steering wheel of a car and drive it and this is their big chance.It is showing its age and would not have been a wonderful experience for an adult on its best day. But putting a youngster in the drivers seat and going along for the ride is, yes it needs to be said, magical.
This is a very cool ride as you get to drive around the course in a car. It is amazing to see all of the setup put into this ride. I think that this ride is amazing as it makes you feel like you are actually on a race track.
A blast for the kiddos to drive without parents worrying too much about them. Steering is pretty loose, but they have a steel plate to keep them in their own lane. (Video attached) If the line is long, come back when it isnt. Not really worth a long wait in the sun, but still fun for kids none-the-less....
Outdated ride with kids able to drive mini cars with real engines. This ride is done better elsewhere (e.g. Legoland Windsor in UK) as steering is very stiff and unresponsive so you spend the whole bouncing side to side as the rail below holds you in line. Engines make it noisy so maybe its time to upgrade them to electric?
Great themed ride . The cast members are very nice and do a great job of running the ride. The cars are fun and it is worth the wait. ....... my only thing is I have ridden this ride many times and think its time for and upgrade the fumes can very strong, would be nice if they came up with an alternative ...... overall I love the Speedway.....
Fun, quick, and an easy (if not smooth) ride. The cars are a bit jerky and have a slow max speed, but it’s a quick and fun ride. Plus, you get a nice view of the park as you ride around in your car. Midday wait time was only 15 min.
Well I have been going on these cars for 40 years, and now I take my own son. Good memories!
So slow, I believe my sons toy car is faster.
Super fun little ride here. Just a fun rip around ride. Would recommend it especially if you have kids.
As usual ...long queue but nice fun ride!
A favorite for our kids.
Great coming here during the weekdays... line not as long as during the holidays and weekend. Could use an update, since the cars are a bit jerky, but had a good time non-the-less.
Let my son drive and now not sure I will ever let him get his licence
Classic car racing attraction that has been given guests millions and millions of rides over the years. After you board your racecar, you drive it around the course making any person, young or old, feel like there in a small little race car. Always fun. Use fast pass because there is always a line...
One of the original rides and its really has not been updated. The waits are too long for what you do. Its better to take your kids to a go cart track. The cars still run on gasoline and are not very environmental friendly. Lots of exhaust and its very load. I am surprised the cars have not been updated to run electric. If you can get a fast pass for it try it otherwise it is a skip.
You would think after 40+ years of this ride, they would have the steering fixed. Perhaps it is best this way to get bumped from behind and wander all over the track.
We nicknamed these divorce carts as we could have fun with my 10 year old son driving either me or my husband. But when hubby and I shared a cart it did not go well.
Gas engine fumes? A steering system that runs you into a rail constantly? Not being allowed to bump other cars? Outdated theming? Being right next to construction? Awesome.
My daughter loved that she could drive the car. Not very smooth and very jerky. But still fun.
I cant stand this ride but my kids love it. They get to drive around and enjoy themselves. The gas fumes are horrible and its so outdated but its for the kids
It’s not bad, and the wait time is perfect for what the attraction actually is. In the Orlando sun, the seats on the cars will get pretty hot, so brace yourself. The cars itself smell a bit like an old engine.
It was a good concept of a ride. But the steering is quite stiff and the cars themselves dont actually go very fast. I think they need to pop more thought and effort into this ride
Will be fun for your kids as they get to somewhat control their own car while guided along a track. The car is a bit jerky and hard to control even for an adult, which renders the ride a little uncomfortable.
The gas and pollution smell takes away all the fun from this ride. Another example that tomorrow land is outdated and doesnt reflect the great technology advances from cars like Tesla and others
It was a fun experience for the kids. The only draw back, the line was a bit long and kids have no patience. Recommend
A bit of a wait but my kid will remember this for the rest of his life !The talk around the park is Speedway is going to be demolished but another source is saying it is going to stay .The park is trying to keep Speedway and fit the new TRON ride that is going to be built in 2021.
Great for the younger driver. Gas driven cars are really driven (steering, gas and brake). There is room for driver and passenger. A single rail on the race track keeps the car in line.
Love this place cant wait to go back this year
Best place in the world.Best holiday ever
Another cool ride for the little ones
Nothing special with the big parks around but had a lot of fun with the kids at a not big park price.
Pros- kids can drive and they love it!! We spent our time ping-ponging back and forth (a rail in the center under your car keeps you on track) as my 6 year old steered us on the track. I laughed a bunch!!Con- the smell. I mean it’s a legit speedway smell- ever been to raves and you know what I mean - but please Disney maybe you could make these electric?? That may help with the land location
It is an okay attraction. I wouldnt waste a fast pass on it. People get the wrong idea about this ride. It is not like go karts at all...it is on a track and cars are governed...its fun and you can have little kids think they are actually driving the car but beyond that it is pretty drab. They should overhaul this ride into a Cars theme and take out the track or something.
Can be fun, but cars need to be easier to drive. They are not. Exhaust from the mufflers is a negative. So are kids who crash into your back bumper on the track and when parking the cars. Wait time is usually long. Not worth the wait so I normally pass on this ride. Disney could use this valuable space for something else.
Young kids always love this ride and mine were no exception. Rode it over and over.
Friend pooped while riding. Would recommend!
Not worth the wait. The cars are outdated, cant really control the well, you breathe in the exhaust from the other cars, and I guarantee that a kid is going to run into you.
Great but needs to remove the rails
This was a good ride to just have some family fun on. There was a long line but it moves pretty quickly. Dont use a fast pass on this one. The cars can be quite loud and some of them dont work really well. There are stands to watch the action from if you dont want to drive.
Hard to steer, but my son loves it so thats all that matters.
One of my favorite rides at Disney. I wish they would update this ride.
Kinda slow, but you get to sit for a bit. Not good if you dont like loud noise. Cars run on lawnmower type engines.
Tomorrowland Speedway been going there for three generations its always a great memory
The steering REALLY needs 2 b fixed on ALL THE cars,but we had a blast. My 13 year old daughter drove and we have never had a better time,we laughed our heads off and went on it 3 more times. Even though they had a few problems with the cars its still a must 2 do.
Not a very fun ride, it is very out of date, those exhaust fumes are really bad, the ride is very slow, the line for the ride is very long and in the hot Florida sun,I do not recommend it.
Great 4 young kids & parents to drive
Amazing ride for kids! Funner when there is a family member or a friend next to your cart in the other lane and you race each other. One of my favorite rides here at magic kingdom
Even though its outdated, still awesome
Terrible ride. would never recommend. worst ride in all of Disney, it was a disappointment.
Great staff. Safe environment. Clean facilities.
Outdated. Was closed when I just went. All dismantled. Hoping for something better
I’m in the middle for this ride. It is a cool concept that giving children of all ages to drive their own car. Though they can also have a hard time driving it. This is because of if they don’t have long legs they will continuously start and stop. And they may get yelled at by an angry guest. Also the ride lacks scenery like autopia at Disneyland here in California. Also the lines can be longer than the major attractions. And maybe switch your cars to electric so the gas won’t ruin my day. But this ride is good for me but autopia is better.
I went on this ride with my Dad as a little girl when I visited Disney World with my family. I felt like a racecar driver during the whole thing and I had so much fun that by the time it was over, I felt like I was a racing champion. What I like the most about this ride is the center rail keeps the cars from crashing into each other, making it safe for everyone. Will definitely keep this attraction in mind during future visits to Disney World.
Might be a good spot to let young kids have their first experience driving, but youre on a restricted track and the pedals can be quite unresponsive. Some of the cars can go incredibly slow even with the pedal all the way down.
Can’t go to Disney and NOT ride this. Very nice people doing a very good job with impatient people.
I had a blast, if you want a good time on this ride, make sure you delay your start until after the car in front of you is out of sight then gun it and hope you do not catch up to anyone. Was fun passing 5 people on the other lanes before I caught up with the line pack I was in
Great for the younger o es
The kids will love this one
Awesome and fun attraction. Theyre gonna need to start updating a lot of this stuff because now that its 2018, were starting to catch up! Its becoming more of a Todayland land than Tomorrowland! Haha
This ride simply needs to be replaced. Its big, its old, its slow, and the lines are always crazy long! I get it; kids want to have the thrill of driving their own car, but in this day and age there has to be a better way of making this happen. Just the fumes from all of the cars should be reason enough to update or replace this ride.
Busy, crazy and fun. Be prepared for long lines
Its fun for young kids in my opinion. The carts are limited to the same speed and are on a track for steering so dont expect to be racing a friend because it wont work. Wait times can be extremely long so definitely get a fast pass for this if you can.
Go-Kart type ride for kids with parents. Hop in a car and go for a gentle ride around the speedway. The karts are fixated to a track so you are not able to go wherever you want which keeps it a little safer.
Love me some Tomorrowland
Decent for adults. Im sure its a lot cooler for kids that get to drive their own car. Definetely not worth a long wait though.
So much fun
Really fun for little kids who cant really steer, but not really a go kart. It is however a classic and really glad its still there. My 5 year old got a special drivers licence 2 years ago when she got in the car, and she still carries it around in her backpack.
Im pretty sure the steering wheels arent actually connected to anything! You basically just hit the gas and bump back and forth on the guide rail for a few minutes while inhaling some go-kart engine fumes. Thats exaggerated a bit, I actually loved the ride and it was a blast because I was being the backseat driver to my wife and telling her that she wasnt steering right!
One of the worst attractions in all of WDW. My knee hurt the rest of the day from having to push so hard on the pedal just to make it go. Theyre slow, loud, and stink. Its a sad irony, with all of Disneys effort to be more environmentally friendly, to walk through TOMORROWLAND and smell nothing but exhaust fumes from these cars.
Fun for the whole family
One of my 4 year olds favorite rides. It is a car on a track. Beautifully laid out but not nearly as well designed as its Disneyland counterpart. You will enjoy it but ride in the early hours before the heat and exhaust from the karts overwhelms the air in the ride area.Some children may find the cars loud.
The ride is fun, but sometimes the cars dont work. And if they dont, you have to press down on the gas real hard, and when you have tell the people, they say your doing it wrong. Still very fun
Its cool, but nothing like real gokarting. Youre on a track that you cant leave, and steering is terrible. Not very fast either. Probably nice to take your kids on, but not great for an adult
Fun fun fun. Kids, and adults ( who meet the height requirements) can drive a miniature replica of an indy car guided by a rail around a closed course. Otherwise they will need adult to ride with them to go around. Either way the kids and adults have a lot of fun.
Old staple of Magic Kingdom. Kinda fun in a nostalgic way. Highly recommend. Heard it is going to be updated when Tron coaster arrives.
So, if Disney World is supposed to be great attractions the whole family will enjoy, this fails. Sure, preschoolers might get into it, but their families are gonna be checking their phones in boredom and holding their noses because of the smell. This would be my first pick for WDW to get rid of, even over Stitch!
Not bad. The problem is, the carts are slow and the middle piece prevented me from using my mind. Its a literal wrist breaker if you use 1 hand. Otherwise, this is fine.
This was one of the longer wait times we experienced during our week at Disney, but it was worth it. Our kid is still car seat age so this was quite an experience for him to be speeding around in a race car. As soon as we walked out they closed the ride for rain. If theres a chance of rain then it can be a gamble waiting.
This ride is really showing its age. Just not much fun.
The kids loved this ride too. If only mommy would have been driving faster.... :)
Great ride. Let the kid drive because there is a centre rail to keep the car on course. Long track like a race car.
Alright parents, these cars are just about right for getting a thrill for the kids, and a headache for you. The reality is that this is one of our kids favorites. So, for them, I will put up with the terrible engine exhaust fumes and the lack of steering capabilities. But whateves. These are still fun!
Loud, smelly, but fun. Not suitable for kids under ten or so.
Can anyone actually drive these cars? Do the steering wheels actually work? The world may never know. Still pretty fun, but expect to be a little sore if youre driving on the wild side.
So much fun for kids
Good for ages 5 and above
Dose mot stink with gas fumes
When I was a kid I thought I was actually driving this and decided Id be the best driver as an adult. Little did I know the cars were on a track so I couldnt do too bad
Please be seated in the car is pretty fast this ride
It is an ok ride for adults. Take a go cart limit the speed and stick it on a rail with a bad steering wheel. My nephews enjoyed it.
It is semi-fun for the little ones, but with one HUGE drawback. The exhaust fumes in around the ride are bad. Waiting in line was making me sick from the exhaust of these little engines and there are a lot of them. Just as a side note, is there any wonder why the smoking section is right next to this ride?
Nice and very entertaining
My sons favorite ride
Good for a ton of laughs. Strap yourself in the passenger seat and watch as experienced drivers have difficulty with this track and even steering in a straight line.
I like riding this to chillax a minute
A fun adventure for smaller kids. Several cars are in need of repairs to the steering as weve had the last few we rode in get pulled out after we tell them its broke. Make for a rough ride.
This ride was kind of meh. We were trying to get on as many rides as possible during our time at WDW, so we had to ride this when we saw that the wait was only 15 minutes.You board your car and go for a spin around the track. There is a guide between your two tires that keeps you from weaving too far off course. The car seems to reach speeds of 5 MPH, so Im putting this in the low thrill category.The excitement level found here is minimal, but Im sure young kids will love the chance to drive a car.I feel like you can find this type of ride at a lot of regional amusement parks, so your limited time at Disney might be better spent on some of the other rides.I probably would not waste a fast pass on this ride.