Simulated G-force was a BLAST! Be advised, its extremely strong, some of people I was with hated it, which is why Im docking a star, but I personally loved it - great how they give you roles which at the time, you think has effect on the ride (spoilers, it doesnt). Great job Disney
Green or Orange – You choose your rideThis is located on the left side (east) of EPCOT portion next to the Test Track ride. They are covid compliant with masks and markers on the floor to maintain social distancing while waiting for the ride.You choose whether to take the Orange (little to no g-forces) or green (g-forces). They are both a little different in the story but fun. Once you enter there is a preshow where they keep groups together but have skipped rows to ensure distances between groups. On the last visit, I was the only person in my entire capsule. You are taken to stand outside you capsule and then walk into the 4 seat enclosure. You are required to pull the harness down over you and test it and the control panel moves in toward the riders. They are not kidding when they say if you are freaked out by enclosed spaces or susceptible to motion sickness you may want to skip this ride. All others apply. Both are fun rides and enjoyable although only lasting about a minute. Following that is the exit through the playground which is closed during COVID and the gift shop. Overall, I highly recommend this ride and it rarely has a long wait time. Enjoy.
Im not normally a person who gets sick on this ride, but wen i decided to try the orange mission, it was so intense that even I could not handle it. After the ride, i spent 10 MINUTES in the bathroom barfing up a lung! Lemme just say that is the last time I am ever ridding this damn ride!
This flight simulator is lots of fun. There are two different missions in order to accommodate different intensities of thrill seeking.
I really enjoyed this ride. We ended up doing the orange one twice because we enjoyed it so much. The simulation really does make you feel like you are in space. Definitely worth checking out.
I thought that this ride was very fun, as you got to control your own spaceship. While in the ride, it made me think that I was really in a spaceship and landing it. It was really amazing to se all of the gadgets and buttons inside of the spaceship.
Been to many amusement parks in my life and never have seen a standard so low for cleanliness. I get this is an intense ride, but as I sat down there was visible vomit between the seat and the wall. Im sure they are cleaning it multiple times per day, but they need to be more thorough. Also saw clear signs of vomit on the floor and under the chair. Maybe most people dont look as close as me, but I knew this was a ride a lot of people were sick on so I wanted to check for cleanliness before I sat down. They get a F- for cleanliness on this ride, especially during COVID times. I could have barfed just thinking about all the people who have barfed on the surfaces touching me. Soooooo gross and in need of a refurbishment and deep clean.
If you can handle Soarn, Green is fun.. Kind of left me wanting more. If I had to compare green to anything else, Id say Green is close to The Space Shuttle launch experience at Kennedy space center, but in a smaller environment. Dont fight the ride.. Put your head back, relax, and enjoy.
We took the Green team coz we have our 4 year old son with us. It was an amazing ride experience. Does not cause any dizziness at all. It’s like a space shuttle training cabin for astronaut where you get to experience how it’s like inside the rocket pre launch, launch, and up all the way to outer space. some nice view around the world tour and back to Florida. You can’t make mistake as computer over ride if you missed pressing the required buttons. So just snout the ride. Outlet son gets to press all buttons that lit, that’s made his day! And have to do 6 repeated rounds because our little boss loves it when they fave the freedom to press anything without anyone saying “NO”. A must try when you are at Epcot
Reading reviews cracks me up. The negatives are from people who are prone to motion sickness or claustrophobia, or at least this ride really brought that out in them. That’s like saying “I went bungy jumping and don’t recommend it because of the height. The ride is amazing. Great theming. An experience you can’t get anywhere else. Does exactly what it’s supposed to do: gives you a realistic astronaut experience. Just head the warnings: it might not be for you. But that doesn’t make the RIDE a one star.
As I write this review 2 months later, theres still feelings of motion sickness when I think back to the ride LOL! Thats how intense this simulator is!Warning: if you get motion sickness easily, DO NOT take the Orange line. Try the Green line, or skip this altogether because this ride is serious! There are many warnings and opportunities for you to switch to the Green line as you progress through the queue. No shame in doing so! I wish I did.Orange line may not be suitable for young ones even though they meet the height requirement.Once youre strapped in, get ready for some real G forces! During the ride, if you start to feel motion sickness kicking in, dont close your eyes - itll make things worse. Breathe slowly and keep your head back against the headrest.They have motion sickness bags within arms reach so theres your last resort.After having said all of the above, I still enjoyed the ride and give props to the guys who designed this!
Fantastic journey into space! Always enjoy riding.
This ride was cute it can be a little overwhelming at times despite it only being a minute or two long but that might just be me nonetheless its fun and there usally isnt a very long line.
That G-force feeling messed me up, I would recommend going to this attraction before eating or drinking
Warning: extreme claustrophobia! Even in the Green Mission. Took everything I had to not bang on the door of the ride and beg to be let out. I do not recommend! Not worth it!
I have mixed feelings about this ride. I had tried both versions (green and orange). Green was such a cool experience that takes you around the earth. The simulation for the green side was well enough for me to decide I would take a chance on the orange side. Worst decision ever. The orange side uses g-force which took my breath away and also made me feel extremely light headed and nauseous. It was too extreme of an experience (for me anyways) and it left me feeling sick for two days. Thank god it was the ride we chose to go on on the way out because I was out of order for 2 days after. AND after doing research on the ride, I found out that two people have died from the excessive use of g-force on this ride. If you can handle insane motions and G-force 5x that of a rollercoaster, this ride is for you. If you can’t well, take the warnings seriously. (Green side is still quite the experience that didn’t make me feel sick so I’ll give it one star for that)
Pretty fun rude, very peaceful.
One of my favorite rides at Epcot, the G-force at the beginning as your rocket takes off feels really cool. The ride is about going on a mission to mars, where you and your team drive the rocket. The wait lines are usually quite long, but its worth it. Theres a green section for a not-so-intense ride experience, and an orange section for a harsher, bumpier ride.
It was incredible. I only did the orange, but if you do not click the buttons, the computer takes over so there is no way you can fail. Other than that, the ride was amazing. Definitely try the green if you get motion sickness easily.
Absolutely loved this simulator! If this ride were a woman, and I werent already happily married, I would be out looking for a ring.There are 2 mission options, Earth (green), and Mars (orange). The Mars mission is the one you want to be on for the most thrilling ride, whereas, you get about 60% as much thrill going green, but basically none of the fright.If I could ask one thing of the imagineers that could be improved upon, it would be screen size. The entire crew could easily share one large screen instead of the 4 small screens.
First of, if you are or even believe you are claustrophobic, please stay away from this ride. You literally are placed inside a machine, which then drops a padded security device around you, and then the doors close on both sides. Then the screen moves directly in front of you. You are enclosed for less than 5 minutes, but the feeling is not pleasant. Luckily we did the green experience and the motion is not bad. Disney should definitely have something inside the machine for people to press for assistance. I couldnt wait for it to end.
Before we visited this attraction I had already read some alarming messages about the Orange version. I opted for it, despite the fact that I cant stand heavy attractions. And in one word: awesome. Just dont think about many things, sit straight and look straight ahead. And how often can you say that you have experienced 2.5 G force. One of my favorite attractions of Disney World.
Mission: SPACE, from what I experienced on Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run I thought this would be the same, but its not. We went on Orange Mission, the more intense version of the attraction where you can feel the G-Forces on your body. If you try to fail the computer takes over and pushes all the buttons for you if you dont press it within x amount of seconds. Kinda a let down to be honest.
Literally horrifying. Do not go on the “orange” side. You’re locked inside a tiny pod with 3 other people and immediately put through g-force motions. Instant nausea. I was sick for hours after and could no get back to normal until the next day. DO NOT go on this ride if you are prone to motion sickness. Just turn around, man!
The video and mission that accompanies the ride is dated but that doesnt take away from the fact that this is one of the best rides at EPCOT and one of the better rides at Walt Disney World. The ride takes you from Earth to a mission on Mars in a space ship with 3 other guests. The launch sequence and subsequent ride are very intense, especially the Orange level. I really enjoy this ride because it provides more of a thrill than most of WDWs rides.
A complete unique attraction. Great for kids or other adventurers wanting to go to space (maybe try green) and thrill seekers (go for orange). I LOVE it.
4 stars is a gift because the G-force simulation (orange training) is done via spinning...and I could tell it was spinning. It made me a little queasy. Graphics were pretty low quality. I would not ride it again. Please note, they warn several times about this possibility.
Mission: SPACE is a great attraction as far as motion simulator style rides are concerned. This one does spin and can make you sick if you dont keep your head back. There are two different options when enjoying this ride, the more intense experience and the less intense experience. The less intense may be a good option for those who are prone to motion sickness. We enjoy both versions of the attraction. Although this ride is high tech, it could use some upgrades to the animation used in the main ride portion of the ride. With digital graphics having come so far since the ride opened in 2003, a refresh of the ride footage could continue to help this experience stay timely. The subject matter is still timely, considering were still positioned to put a colony on Mars.
Fun ride. The g-force can be unsettling but it makes for an intense experience! If you do get a bit of motion sickness, go drink some water, eat some carbs, and walk around a bit. It helped me a lot.
Insane! This was my first time here and I didn’t know what to expect. I picked the Orange side to travel to Mars. The intensity of this ride is unlike any other ride I’ve been on! It rumbles, spins, and has G-Force like no other 3D ride. The visuals and authentic atmosphere of it were unbelievable! Although, I probably won’t go on it again due to how much it made my stomach turn and made me light headed. I can handle some pretty intense roller coasters/rides but this one is totally different. It is an awesome ride though! Give it a try!
It was exeptionally fun and i would be happy to do it over and again.
If you can handle it do the orange more intense ride. Having done both the green and the orange I can say that the orange version is way more intense and this more fun.
I think it was the most fun ride at Epcot, I know there are coasters that pull more Gs than this on peaks, but this one sustains them for much more of the ride, at least on the orange mission.
The experience was neat, but you can get sick VERY quickly. It ruined the rest of my day. It did warn you of possible motion sickness, but you see kids riding it and think it can’t be that bad. It is! Not worth it for me!
A very realistic simulation of a simple spaceflight (we only did the green route, less intense) that could be an issue with anyone that is prone to motion sickness or claustrophobia. Not much is held back here, despite the rides short runtime it really could be a current version of todays rocket launch. If you have any misgivings about that fact, skip it.
WOW! This was my first experience on Mission: SPACE and it far exceeded my expectations. I ignored the numerous warnings in the line about motion sickness and took part in the Orange training. Now maybe I still had Aerosmith stuck in my head from riding the Rock N Roller Coaster at Hollywood Studios earlier in the day… but this ride legit made me feel like Ben Affleck in Armageddon... It was incredible.Mission: SPACE somehow makes you feel the G force of taking off in space, the sharp turns needed to dodge space debris, and the joyous feeling of a safe landing. This is clearly an underrated ride at Disney and I highly recommend.
I absolutely love rides. Although this one had some positives it left my husband and I both feeling sick and headachy the rest of the day and for several days after. Ive never experienced that with any other ride and Ive been on many. After sharing this experience with my daughter, who had been a few years before, she said she and her husband felt the same way. I cant recommend this ride.
Super fun
This was my son’s favorite experience at all of Disney. He keeps talking about the space flight simulator. Wife thought it was terrifying.
Very cool ride with a realist immersion into a spaceship and traveling into space. They assign you tasks, but no worry if you miss it as the ride continues as planned. Two paths make it possible for people with movement sickness to still experience the ride. The more intense was does throw some Gs at you, but overall if you stay relatively still you should be fine. Cool experience, and with 4 people.
Very disturbing experience. But cool ! No need to do twice
Fun experience and ride, tips: there is an easier ride if youre nervous, itll be explained to you. Just enjoy the ride
Amazing ride, but NEVER go onto orange. EVER. G-forces are very overwhelming and I got sick with the flu, after a flu shot, after riding it ONCE. I recommend the green, very relaxed, and nice. Very fun for all ages.
The line originally indicated 50 minutes. Line has moved 40 feet and it’s been over an hour. The line does not move. I get it. We wait in lines but it is not moving. Manage the line and manage the time.
VERY intense. G-force is pretty rough. Almost passed out. Still nauseous 30 min later.
A good fun interactive ride. Both the wife and I enjoyed it. A word of advice, if youre even slightly claustrophobic do-not go on this ride, you sit in a closed confined space and then a large control panel comes within inches of you and your body. Once the ride starts I could not see a way of exiting once it was under-way.
Mars mission is amazing! Fair warning though, G-force applied is exhilarating and can trigger panic effect, but a couple of deep breaths and really enjoyed it. Just caught me off-guard. Great ride, but not for ppl with fear of heights, flying or closed spaces for sure. Id say this is the best ride in all of EPCOT.
**READ IF HESITANT ON RIDING**Mission: Space is truly an immersive one of a kind ride of have ever been on. You have two sides to choose from Green and Orange. I would NOT recommend Orange due to the intensity if you dont think you can handle it. I can handle pretty much anything when it comes to rides but this is the first time Ive ever felt unsafe (even though I know I was) because youre in this pod with four other people and its very claustrophobic in there once the ride begins. The force that hits you is indescribable when you launch off. The three minute attraction felt like an eternity that I most likely will never ride again but it was worth riding once. I do not understand the 1 star reviews because they got sick. This ride has multiple disclaimers before riding to exit if you get motion sickness or are claustrophobic. Even giving you a pamphlet with warning information and multiple sounds bites saying the same thing. I would say do it once for the experience but maybe do Green for the first time and if you can handle that then head on over to Orange. Definitely a one of a kind experience that I would not do again but the immersive feeling was incredible.
In my opinion the ride itself is pretty awesome if I can deal with the motion sickness. However, I still went on the ride twice since I love how cool it can be.
My daughter loves this simulation ride. Its fun and educative.
Fun ride
This ride is life threateningly awful, and I am not exaggerating. The green one gave me the first panic attack of my life and I have no fear of flying or claustrophobia. Do not do this ride. Please.
Omg, this is the Most Exhilarating Experience I’ve ever had!!! It Really felt like leaving Earth to fly into Space!!!Get a FastPass for this one, & be ready for an Intense, hardcore ride!!!They offer a less intense choice if you don’t think you can handle the 2.5 G ride!!
I didn’t not enjoy this ride, It made me want to vomit. The whole ride is trying to simulate g-forces and the screen isn’t very immersive.
Loved this ride. Was ready to get back on as soon as I got off. Warnings were a bit scary but the ride itself was fabulous. Definitely could feel the ride pushing you down and against your seat and at one point your cheeks are pushed against your ears but if you don’t get motion sickness, this ride is for you.
Awesome styling and backstory. Interactive ride elements and thrilling ride experience. Highly recommend
Bring back Gary Sinise. Obviously a diversity move or they disagree with his politics... or both.
I am biased. I hate the ride. I hate the panic attack it induced, just terrible
Fun ride
EVERYONE should try this ride - though maybe not on the orange side. If youve ever been skydiving or bunjee jumping or if you want to do any of those things or if you want to be an astronaut or get as close to experiencing what its like to be an astronaut without being one, do the orange side. If youre afraid of heights then you might not want to ride at all though it might be worth it. If you have a child under 12, Id start with the green side 1ST and if they like that, then move up to the orange side as it is extremely intense. This might be the best ride of all time at any park though, as it really gives you an experience that so few can actually have and that is so thought-provoking and has so much potential and meaning. This is so much more than just a ride, its a unique and valuable experience!
I think they should seriously look at phasing this ride out. The ride didnt have anyone waiting in line at all. I chose the more intense experience of the two that are offered and it takes a while for the effects to fully wear off. Using the controls on the ride dont matter at all and the ride itself isnt fun. They can put something better in that space that will draw some attention because this ride isnt doing the trick.
One of my favourite experiences! When I go to WDW, I activate my imagination and prepare myself to go with Walts vision...before I know it..I AM AN ASTRONAUT on a space mission! Close enough to the real thing for me!
I never get sick on rides but I do get motion sick in cars time to time. I absolutely love thrill rides so without a doubt I wanted to do the orange side. After the ride I felt super light headed, dizzy and nauseous. But I loved every second of it. I just walked it off had some food and water and felt better. I highly suggest doing orange, when will you get the chance to go to mars again? It was extremely thrilling!
It caused me to get a head ache, stomach ache, and I was so delirious I made someone carry me... I suggest those who are motion sick avoid this ride... I didnt really feel like the ride was fun, especially with all the pain it caused. Not to scare anyone but I did hit my head on something in the the little container we were in. Tho it was fun and overall the ride would be better to those who is not affected by these types of rides... Be concerned about bringing your child in the orange side... It can be a fun but my head still hurts and its been 24 hours since I rode the ride. I love Mission: Space but perhaps a few thing should be tweaked so the ride is a smoother pain free ride, or atleast less pain involved. We want to enjoy our experience not going home in a grumpy mood. Thank You for listening I dont want the ride to shut down but I think some tweaks need to be involved. I love Disney
Awesome ride
I liked it. Yeah, its a tiny bit dated... but it was great. Do heed the G-force, if you have heart issues, warning... take it seriously. Not an issue here, but my wife, who had prior heart surgery as a kid, was in all out panic mode from the pressure. But... I liked it.
Great feeling of adventure. Gives the Family a Lost in Space adventure time. Yep! You will Not Meet the Robinsons; You Will Be THE Robinsons. A robot guide, and it would be complete.
Long show rooms but intense orange team
Insane! But not for everyone.
Amazing! The orange side isnt for the faint of heart (or stomach) but if youre ready to feel your face plastered to the seat behind you, go for it.
This ride feels real.
This is a fun and fairly intense ride. During the duration if this ride, you go through a simulation of flying to somewhere else on Earth, (which is the less intense version aka the green mission) and Mars (the more intense one aka the orange mission.) The only thing bad about this ride is that they advertise it as a simulation mission, but if you dont execute your command on time, it will just say computer override and do it anyway.
Worst experience on a ride ever!! There was nothing good to share, was just a horrible experience. Didn’t hear anyone saying what a great ride while we were exiting.
A good ride but not the best
You are a vital part of a humanitys first manned expedition to the Red Planet! Say hi to Gary Sinise for me! Its FUN!
If youre wanting an almost outer body experience then you will love this ride. I was a light weight and couldnt take the punch but my husband and kids absolutely love it and go on it every time we go to Disney.
Green side was super cool. No chance of getting sick. Now well try the orange side. Ugh....Update. I tried the orange. Nope. I did not get sick. The Gs and pressure on the body was absolutely awesome.The orange orange side gives you a lot more true experienceI get woozy on rides but I did NOT get woozy on the orange. Do it!!!
The most powerful adventure in the world.
Best ride I have ever been on at any amusement park! Epcot did Awesome!
Great ride. Not as bad as I thought it would be. A lot of hype. If you get really motion sick, go on the green side. I do get motion sick, but I was able to handle the orange side. I am also claustrophobic and this was not a problem at all. Not too enclosed and plenty of air blowing on you to keep you comforatable.
Mission recommended
I really felt like I was blasting up and out into space. The Gs rush at you and you feel yourself melting down into your seat. It was amazing. Take thier warning very seriously though, the ride is pretty intense and youll be feeling it afterward.
Could of been longer
Overall an okay ride (I only did the green one). The more intense one may be deserving of a 4th star, but there was a fan blowing in my face and eyes, making it difficult to focus and actually see the screen. Perhaps my height was just right to catch this wind in my face, but it definitely detracted from the effect. Otherwise, it was a fun ride. I especially liked that it was hosted by Zoe from Firefly (Gina Torres). That was a perfect touch.
This ride is awesome. It includes a lot of motion and is really fun for all ages. There’s a little bit of gimmicky interaction, but the really cool part is the way the whole ride is set up to make it feel like you really are blasting off and flying around. As an adult I went on this ride multiple times because it was that cool.
One of the best ride in Epcot. There are two versions of this ride. Mission to mars and mission earth. Mars one is more intense but most fun. It has high acceleration and g force simulation. 4 people ride at a time and each is assigned a role. Navigator, engineer, pilot and commander. Our 6 year old did this ride twice and had lot of fun. Mission earth is good too but once you do mars mission the earth version feels like baby ride.
So fun! Really feels like youre going up to and in space. Incredible
Fun ride. I do better with the green level, but my kids like Orange. We have fun with the games at the end.
As soon as the ride started I felt like I couldnt breathe. My throat felt like it was closing off and it threw me into a panic attack. Thank God its a short ride and was over fast. I thought I was gonna die. Not fun at all. Ruined my day
Love it both intense and less intense
This is a fun ride and its great that they have two levels of intensity. Definitely dont skip this ride if you are afraid just do the green route. If you do not get motion sickness definitely do the orange route, it is fun to feel the g forces
Ruined my day went on this ride with my kids after I came off I was so sick and the nearest toilet is so far away, being so sick in scorching July heat is not recommended I can go on any rides but this made me so Ill i had chest pains and sickness for the rest of the day i had to go back to the car and the car feels so far away when your so sick and hot I had to lay in the villa bedroom for the rest of the day the nausea just kept coming over me knocking me sick just be careful after reading up on it I read 2 people have died and loads of people so sick after being on the ride. Never again.
Awesome ride tons of fun