Would give it zero stars but thats not a option... The trailers are roach infested and i mean INFESTED and they have hella bed bugs thats not a safe nor clean environment. This place needs to be shut down then condemed.
Its a dump. It has been all my life .
Its a run down rat infested trailer park, trailers are full of ️ bed bugs and cats.
Been here only once to see a friend and got jumped by some hoodlums. Fortunately got away and this was in 1990. Place still looks pretty scary.
There are cats all over and some of the traliors were drug labs and were never torn down. Its just falling apart.
Still small and nasty. Better now than ten yrs ago, but I still wouldnt want to live there
Good ol trailer trash like every trailor park in America and its right near the lizard lot with bed bugs
Good place to live been there 9 years the landlord is excellent help you in any way she can love it here
Needs some work but it is a great place to be
Its not a good place to live they dont let you check the place before to see if you like it or not. Its not insolated and it had roaches in the trailers. You cant used the oven there that bad. So please dont live here.
Quiet run down old trailer park.
Roachtunda. If you cant afford somewhere to live that isnt roach infested or has typical trailer trash characters in it (NOT EVERYONE THERE, a lot though) this is the place for you. Stupid cheap. I dont know why its still open.
Its bad or there nothing works and just dont go
Its nasty
To many cockroaches