Lived here for over a year. Management will promise you anything to get you in a trailer but rarely follows through to fulfill the promise. Trailers are old and falling apart. What you see is what you get. Handyman rarely fixes anything and when he fixes it it is never right.
Dont live here. It suck nothing get fixed or get fixed months after the problem has been addressed several times. The person that runs the park, need to retire.
Tried to find out about renting a trailer. Office sign says Open 12-2. No one answered phone and didnt return my call when left message on voice mail.
Been my moons home for a long time!
Not good. Lots of drugs,loud most of the time. The few tenants have trouble with the trashy people. There is a few molesters here also. If maintenance doesnt like you they evict you, its month to month and a slum landlord.
Had a great time with my family
Only went once & didnt have a lot of time to really check out the stores.
Kinda run down
Bad place.