Great interactive show where your kid can be dressed up and train as a Jedi taking part in a small fight scene with some well known Star Wars characters. You have to book your child in as there are only 20 spaces per show. The team are great with the kids and its well organised with pictures of your child in action to buy.
To many cast members layed off. It is not open.
SUper Important: Space is limited, so you have to sign up early if you want to snag a spot for your young Jedi to train. Jedi Training is an incredibly popular experience and an absolute must for any Star Wars fan ages 4 to 12. It costs nothing extra beyond park admission to be a part of this 25-minute show. The shows stage area is next to the entrance to Star Tours - The Adventures Continue. The show consists of a Jedi Master and several assistants that lead the 30 participants through basic Jedi training. The kids wear Jedi robes and are broken up into two groups, with 15 being led to a raised level and 15 on a ground level. There are marked spots for each child to stand upon. Once everyone is in place, lightsabers are handed out. The kids learn some basic moves, and then get to test out their skills one on one!!While you cannot register for a show in advance (like before your trip), check the Disney website before leaving for your trip and find the listing of Jedi Training show times. This way you can plan around other reservations (dining or FastPass) and determine your show time preferences. Once you enter the park, head straight to the Indiana Jones Adventure Outpost for registration (note that you will want to pick up a Disneys Hollywood Studios Times Guide just to confirm that the location has not changed). Prior to reaching the Outpost, in front of the Hollywood and Vine restaurant, Disney cast members were organizing people into a line. After a few minutes, we were walked back to a queuing area that led to registration. In order to register, the participating children must be present. There are a number of Disney Cast Members to register people and once it is your turn, you select a show time and give them information on the children participating in the show. If you are not able to obtain a registered spot in the show, it may be possible to participate as a replacement for a no-show if you are willing to be on standby. However, you have to stay near the Indiana Jones Outpost and wait until just before show time hoping for a no-show. If everyone who registered arrives, then you would have to wait on stand-by for the next show. With the show’s popularity and the fact that you have to register on-site that day, there are very few no-shows.Since this is an outdoor show, it can be canceled due to bad weather. If rain is a possibility the day you are there, check the hourly weather forecast and try selecting a show time that hopefully will avoid the rain. Shows are held throughout the day every 30 or 60 minutes. For shows that are 30 minutes apart, as soon as one show ends another is preparing to start. There is no seating or shade, so be prepared to stand in the sun while watching the show.
Our sons absolute favorite every time we go, for the last few years. I only wish I could do it too. You have to hurry over to the sign up when the park opens, as theres no fast pass for this. The morning sessions fill up quickly too (it gets hot in the afternoon). Its definitely worth it though, especially if youve never done it before.
If you’ve got young ones that have a love of all things Star Wars and light saber battles, you’ve really got to enlist your kids into this show (11 and under). Age 7-10 seems to be the sweet spot — younger kids seem to get too spooked by the experience of facing a Sith Lord.Kids go through a 20-30 minute orientation/instructions, are outfitted with a robe, and escorted to the show area changing “Here come the Jedi”. “Here we come!” It’s super cute and people often chant with them or cheer them on as they approach the show area.When the show begins they go through some basic lightsaber training and then face “their fears” when they open up the Jedi temple doors. I think it’s random who they get (at least random to us — nothing is truly random in the controlled behind the scenes world of Disney). Our kids got to face Kyle Ren and the other set of kids faced Darth Vader.The music and voiceovers were loud and clearly heard, so it made it a bit more immersive and intense. Most of the kids seemed to love it quite a bit, whereas a few were too scared and were unable to complete the show.Definitely worth doing at least once. Kids get a pin for completing the challenge (and do not get to keep the lightsaber).
You can learn the ways of the force and lightsaber combat here!
This is awesome. Well worth the early wake up. My son had a blast. I highly recommend this if you there. You need to get there as Hollywood opens to get a good time slot. Best time ever
The youngling didnt even scream when i sliced them
Very organized and awesome experience for the kids even the ones that don’t k ow about Star Wars
We did this back in the day for the day and I hope the next time we do it is with our grand children. Great event.
Fun to watch and if you have kids I would urge trying to get them to participate. Go to guest services or ask a cast member by Star Tours on how to get you child to participate in the show.
Palpatine: Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?Anakin: No?Palpatine: I thought not. Its not a story the Jedi would tell you. Its a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.Anakin: He could actually save people from death?Palpatine: The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.Anakin: What happened to him?Palpatine: He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.Anakin: Is it possible to learn this power?Palpatine: Not from a Jedi.
Join me, join the dark side of the force and together we rule the Galaxy.
STAR WARS you cant go wrong.
My son absolutely loved this. Make sure you head straight to enrol as soon as the park opens, as spaces for the training are limited. Great interaction and training for young jedi. They also receive a certificate at the end. Cant wait for my daughter to try it next year, as she was to young this time. It is for 4-9 year olds.
Excellent show. Great entertainment.
We went here to celebrate the kids birthdays and saw this attraction in many of the Disney pamphlets and books. NO WHERE did it say you had to sign up early in the morning to get a time slot to participate in this. My kids were crushed because we didnt have the hopper pass and were unable to return to do the ONE thing they wanted to do for their birthday. Finding this out put a damper on the entire day at the park. When we spoke with park officials, they gave my kids birthday stickers to wear! Like that will make up for it!
Star Wars photo opportunities are everywhere. Take advantage of them. It’s easy to get lost in the energy running from ride to ride, but do not forget to snap some pictures for memories sake. Or to brag to your friends, or rub their nose in it.
We didnt know that the average family planned to arrive 2 hours before park opening to wait in line. We were 1 hour early and were practically the last group admitted. The wait was absolutely worth it. The cast is phenomenal, even when teaching basic stage fighting to kindergartners. Truly a photo opportunity and a memory that will last forever.
I didnt have to go to a galaxy far, far away to train properly. I now use the force on a regular basis, but never for evil.You will go to this training academy. And you will have a good time.
Star tours is always good
Great fun for kids!
Kids loved it and thats what counts.
Tried every time weve gone to get my son signed up. Gone straight there and its been filled. It looks fun, but not when your kid is left disappointed each time.
This is a great one Padawan
Would have been fantastic if we would have known you had to be an hour early to the park just to sign up. Fast pass and no info about it online or in the literature I saw is rediculous. Maybe Disney should have multiple sign up times or expand the size, since as the guy said, it was the most popular in the park.Update 2hours early based on a local guides review.......... Really?Joel from TN
Be sure to get there early to sign up! Most spots fill up for the day by 10am. My boys loved it and it was a great experience!
6 year old loved this!!!
May the force be with you!....freakin force took all my freakin money!!!!
So much fun!!! Always a different experience each time
So much fun! The Jedi/sith were very convincing and talented.
You have to get your kid(s) signed up to fight Darth Vader and some Storm Troopers. It was awesome watching my son defeat Darth. Add this to your must do at Disney. Check the internet for the details on how to sign up.
My son Dextyn did the Jedi training today. (He’s team dark side but the chance to battle his idol was worth being called a Jedi lol) He had his face painted into a pirate but because of the sun and sweat it had smudged. As he walked into training a few kids started making fun of him and laughing. A staff member Alexandra came to his rescue immediately!! If she wouldn’t have been there to help wipe his tears and make him feel strong he would have never got on that stage!! She stayed with him, hugged him, and even came over to me before she left his side. He immediately asked to see her when he was finished because he knew she would be proud of him!! Way to go Disney, your staff is AMAZING!! Thank you to the sweet girl who made my sons day!!I have the sweetest picture of them together and I’m so thankful that she took the time to be kind to a little boy with a big plan!!Sheena LaBelle
Sign up your child early to participate. It fills up quickly.
Pretty cool but the things are already filled by the time you get there it seems. We even tried waitlist and that was full. Pretty disappointed.
Cool area to hangout and play. Kids will enjoy it and its a nice play to kill some time
Fun for the kids. They teach them sword play and at the end everyone gets a chance to fight either Darth Vader, kylo Ren, or Darth Maul
If you want to get in early, be at the park at 8am. Dress cool, drink lots of water. Front row to battle Dart Vader.
Super awesome if your kids are star war fans. They get to dress up and train as a jedi.
My 7 year old loved doing the moves! They got a pin and water afterwards which was a nice touch.
Do you have to be in line at least 45 minutes before the park opens? Yes! Do people make a mad dash for the line up? Yep! Do you have kids that love Star Wars? Then it is worth all the craziness because it is an awesome experience for them!
It was awsome. Cant wait to go again.
Kids loved the jedi training. Make sure that you go and sign up for it as soon as you get to the park because it fills up fast.
My kids are too old for this now. But fun and cute to watch.
An outdoor show, where your little padawan may be asked to come up on stage, and be trained by a Jedi. Of course, Darth Vader may show up too and ask them to join the dark side. Regularly scheduled.
Excellent activity for young star wars fans. You will need to get to the park early to sign up for the training. Also dont forget to bring the children that want to participate. You will not be able to sign up without your child. There are plenty of show times through out the day for you to experience. Disneys photopass photographers take great pictures of the show. The best part is when the younglings get to fight Darth Vader and other sith
Get there early and get your kids signed up. Mine loved it.
Kids loved it and it was a fun place to have fun.
Great place for kids to get involved and battle Darth Vader.
Its fun to watch kids taking on Darth Vader!
The kids loved this Academy. Good to see.
Pretty cool
Super adorable!!! My kids didnt want to be in the show (they are shy), but they loved watching it. We watched it several times!
This was by far was my kids favorite ride/attraction at this park!
Highlight of my kids trip! We walked straight to get into line as soon as the park opened, and there was already a 45 minute line. You need to go as soon as the park opens or you wont get a spot. I think its ages 5-10 only
A perfect chance for younglings to harness their skills!
It looks so cool I love Star Wars so much and I am going to Disney World next I am going to the airport now Thursday and stay the night at a hotel and we got on the plane at 12:00pm and we will be there at 2:00pm I love Star Wars so much
Great activity for your kids to get the true Star Wars experience
My boy really enjoyed it highlight of the holiday.
My 10-year-old sons favorite experience of all 4 parks. It was worth getting in line early for this.
Both son and daughter loved it
Great fun for the kids
Good fun for the younglings
My favourite place in Hollywood Studios!
Fun quick show, very, very cute.
Very fun
It was my 4-year-olds favorite thing; hes told everyone about it!
Great time for the kiddos, they get to practice some light saber move against Darth Vader and his henchmen.
Total fun, especially for preteens.
Its Star Wars enough said.
The kids are so cute!
The padawans were a bit green.
This is an absolute must for star wars fans.only downside is its for kids!
Super cute watching all the young Jedi train against Darth Vader :).
This is a great experience for parents and their children to have a bit of fun indoctrinating their kids into Star Wars. My daughter hates Star Wars but wanted to be on stage training as a Jedi. Its very cute and a great concept!
Even your kids will find this lame.
Great for kids
Kids that are into Star Wars will have a blast!
This was one of our sons favorite parts of visiting Disney. Interactive and star-wars rich, he went twice.
7 stars!
Awesome ride!!
If your kid is a star wars fan, this is a must do
Very enjoyable
Love it
I love it!
Great show
Good fun for the kids