Love reading and learning the history about it but if the current owners knew all about the stories and rumors and knowing people will be curious in wanting to see this historical place WHY BUY IT!! IF THEY WANT PRIVACY BUY A CABIN IN THE WOODS!
Place to set and watch the geese swim by
This place is NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. I have to wonder why the lady who lives there doesnt take the time to put up a sign that says private residence or some such. She did come very close to running me over with her car though, so it turned out to be scary enough. But the public is NOT WELCOMED.
Love the history behind the old house didnt see any ghost maybe they was shy
Im gonna be honest got lost and turned around it was pitch black and I could tell it was so beautiful Im so upset I didnt get to see that it the day time looks gorgeous and upon investigating seems folks say its haunted now Im for real interested in that looks like a great place to chill and relax and hey maybe even get scared a little, lol. The pics everyone has added are absolutely beautiful great job on all those, nice. Really puts it in perspective.
I take my daughter fishing there she loves it
Its Beautiful from the River, havent been in we was at the River feeding ducks and letting kids olay.
It belongs to a favorite relative, so Ive visited often during decades of loving restoration and enhancements. It is NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Please respect our privacy. Contrary to popular hogwash, it isnt haunted, according to the many family members who have spent much time there.
Gotta luv the history
Beautiful location but not able to check out location and no one answer if you knock. It seems like its just a private residents now.
It was nice
Some beautiful homes being built in the area.
This place looks beautiful and has a place in the local history. Not all of it true but it is interesting.
Gorgeous mansion of the city of Kingsports history.
Didnt know I was there
Nice place
Super interesting.
Interesting local history
Great place
This is a house not for the public.