Very cool to see grandpas house from the lost boys! Very nice view to the boardwalk!
Theres one thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach....all the damn Vampires!
Got attacked by vampires
It was fun visiting the site where The Grandfather from The Lost Boys lived. That movie is one of my favorite classic vampire films.
Great place for a walk, lHills that c as n make u sweat. And a lot of history..
Love Pogonip! Its a small park nestled between UCSC, Henry Cowell, and Hwy 9, but there are a ton of overlapping trails with a variety of stops and vistas.
If your car doesnt get broken into by Forrest dwelling junkies while youre hiking, if your dog isnt snatched of its leash by extremely coordinated agressive pack-hunting coyotes (several have been) and you make it back to your car without tripping and falling onto a needle and return a heroin addict yourself, then yeah, its a lovely walk that offers fantastic straight out of a postcard views of this (less than) idyllic beach town...oh and did I mention theres a hundred tweakers camped in the woods out there? I think its best if we leave the junkies, tweekers, and coyotes battle it out with the mountain lion for pogo-supremacy...
Still the Pogonip. Not much going on until summer.
The Grandpas house The Lost Boys film.
No vampires but still cool. Will try again at night.
Nice and relaxing
Film location from Lost Boys