A good place for stargazing, especially now while the comet is visible. Early in the night just above the treetops on the northern side of the clearing you get a pretty good view, and this place is much more reliably above the fog than downtown Santa Cruz or even UCSC campus. If everywhere downhill is socked in, then thet means less light pollution and great stargazing up here!
Beautiful but not for hikers. Many, many, many bicyclers, and they are having lots of fun.
Pretty lame for cali if I do say. Feels like the midwest..
Easy access to UCSC and Wilder Ranch backcountry
This a great trail for beginners or experienced hikers and bicycle rider! There is wider open trails as well as more rugged nature trails to explore. There is thick terrain as well as overlook point. A bit difficult to find if you arent from Santa Cruz, but just know its the only spot for about 2 miles with parking on the sides of the road. On a nice day, you will likely see other cars parked here, so go early in the day if you need parking for more than one vehicle!
Great trail. Fantastic views of the bay
It is great to have wonderful public outdoor areas for people to enjoy.
Nice mountain bike trail.
Lots of fun !! And beautiful views!!
Great for those who enjoy the outdoors
Awesome hiking and biking area. Great place to take beginner riders.
Awesome place, dont miss it.
Awesome trails in upper campus.
Strap on good shoes
Great place for a bike ride