Amazing manager and I dont think she gets all the respect she deserves.. she put in in the most beautiful park gardens and I am blown away by how much hard work that women puts into her job
,k,. There making big improvementsi
Ive been living at shade tree villa fore about 6 years it is a vary niece park.
Horrible place. Dumped their garbage behind the thrift store. The trailer park (I lived in the only house in the park)manager and her husband are always strung out. Took a month to fix a leak that flooded under the house. Fixed my sink themselves (wish I could include a photo) then after I gave notice, refused to give me another 24 hours to get my stuff out. Terrible place. A shooting 1 month after I left. Mamager was attacked by dogs in the park but redused to call the police because she doesnt do that. Nevermind their are kids in the park. Glad I got out.
It sucks no Room to drive to do anything
Awesome place I visit friends there and also the management team is extraordinary I would recommend trying to live there to anyone. Usually filled to the brim but if you ever get the chance to rent a trailer or own a trailer and put it in the shade tree Village you will be very very happy!
I was there at my sons at11 pm there was people doing drug deals in there cars and on the front of houses
Hmm! Dont remember that place.
Am I in the band or what?
This a very high crime park! I would not recommend this park, the rent also has risen over 200.00$ sense Larry Adams has purchased this property, manager is very rarely in the so called office, .....
I wouldnt go back to live at that place ever people doing drugs out in the open so call manager working around the place late at night homeless people sleeping at the park and the manager is okay with it since there friends I wish the owner could see whats really going I remember when it was a nice place to live at but its not anymore to bad for poor management
Lots of love. Kid friendly.
Nice place for the neighborhood
Its ok
The land Lord is very friendly
Great families live here