Artist was recommended, Johnny definitely did not disappoint. He took the time with his work & to make conversation while he worked on my pieces, so that atmosphere felt very friendly & comfortable. Despite the young age, his talent is beyond his years and did I mention this was free hand. My session consited of a fix-up, 1st tat (got at another shop by a different artist) not turning out like wanted, a year since I got it & it looking like I had it for 10years. Johnny did his magic & gave it life, depth, dimension and the amount of compliments I get on how much better it looks or how good it looks now. Its definitely worth having Johnny doing a piece you will love & taking pride in showing. Will be coming back to keep adding to my arm.Este artista me fue recomendó, Johnny definitivamente no decepcionó. Se tomó el tiempo en sus tabajo y también para conversar mientras trabajaba en mis piezas, para que el ambiente fuera muy agradable y cómodo. A pesar de su corta edad, su talento está más allá de sus años. Cabe mencionar que esto es a manos libre, no es tracado. Mi sesión consistió en una reparación, mi primer tatuaje (con otro artista en otro lugar)no resultó como lo quería, un año desde que me lo hice y parecía que lo tuve durante 10 años. Johnny hizo su magia y le dio vida, profundidad, dimensión y la cantidad de cumplidos que recibo por lo mejor que se ve o lo bien que se ve ahora. Definitivamente vale la pena que Johnny te haga una pieza que amas y que te sentas orgullosa de ella. Volveré para seguir agregando a mi brazo.FYI My visit was Oct 6th. Mi vista fue el 6 de Octubre.
Most ghetto shop in Mansfield! This shop is a spin off of Da Kandy Shop Tx worst tattoo studio! Beware!
Look no further...Mainstage is a place to learn & grow no matter child or adult. Since age 9, my daughter has been involved in classes and multiple productions, each of which has been a positive experience. The balance of patience and kindness with a high bar of excellence has been such a supportive influence on her. Everyones love of theatre is contagious. I hope you take the time to join one of the many options because you will only be all the better for it.
Great Artist, Good people, and Atmosphere