Most beautiful senior mobile home park ever. Excellent lots and back yards especially. One cant do better. Expensive as it is in the SF Bay Area.Those who can afford this I say Enjoy.
I did go there. I live there
Family mobile home park it ok
I would like to update my view on Spanish Ranch II since my last post. The new park manager that I was referring to in my negative review did in fact stand by her word by making some very nice upgrades to the park during her tenure. She is no longer here but I must give her credit for the job she did before she left. She upgraded the gym with all new equipment, she bought yoga mats for the 2nd room as well as a series of yoga workout DVD that could be played in the new systems she bought with a tv monitor. You could choose your own exercise easy or hard and trainer by the dvd you choose. She placed several fans in the rooms as well to keep it cool while exercising. The very tough and hard attitude she had when she arrived changed disappeared; she was actually a very sweet and kind lady once you got to know her. We actually became friends. She had all our street lighting upgraded with very bright LED lights which allows the streets to be brighter when walking at night. Unfortunately, she did decide to take another management position closer to where her family lives. I would like to thank her for standing by her word that she would make the park a better place to live with the upgrades she planned on making. Thank You for all you did. Now, we have a vey new community manager; she appears to be very friendly and caring to seniors. She said she wants this to be the best manufactured home community to live in; in Hayward. In all fairness its to early to for me make a comment. At this time, I can honestly say I am very pleased to be a resident of Spanish Ranch II It is a fantastic place to live the homeowners here are so friendly. I will update on our park once I see how things are under the new management; so far its been great! I would like to personally welcome you (park manager) to our wonderful and beautiful community.
This senior mobile home communiyt sold a couple years ago. The new owners, Hometown America, is working with the residents to make this a great place ffor seniors to live.
My Nana lived here for 15+ years, she passed away and they tore down her house without letting anyone know. Very upsetting so many memories that are all gone because her house is no longer here and we will never be able to get it back.
A great place for senior living
Under new management -the responsibilities for our park now appears to be neglected by the new mgmt. We /Homeowner were told in their new ownership introduction their intentions to make improvements such as remodel the clubhouse, gym etc nothing has changed in a year. The coffee that was always fresh awaiting us in the clubhouse kitchen is no longer being made on a regular basis. The park in not maintained as we are used to and landscaping around the pool area used to be maintained on a regular bases the landscaping was beautiful. There are two pigmy date palms near the walkway to the pool that were always trimmed and pruned short to where you could see the multi-trunks. They havent been maintenance in over a year 1/2 they both now look like two small overgrown bushes. The beauty of the date palms are gone and buried under a big brush of leaves. The park rules of only owning one size dog allowed is not being followed. People are now walking through the park streets with huge dogs including Pitt bulls theyve passed right in front of the house of the park Mgr and throughout the park. Ive reported to the park Mgr things that are not allowed and are taken place at that moment. There was no follow up to go see the person Im talking about. The old mgrs would ride a golf cart through the park streets three times a day monitoring whos walking the streets as well as running people out of the park that are not residents. Informed owners that newly acquired a large dog it had to go. They were great, unfortunately, the new mgmt has yet not proven to be able to handle this responsibility. They sent in an inexperience manager and had her run it so rudely like theirs a new sheriff in town. Rudeness and non-compassion or understanding and greed will get you nowhere. Time will tell if it will continue to be neglected or they will stand by their introduction letter to upgrade the park. If they do make the changes they mentioned and the park manager stops being so rude and defensive this could once again be the perfect park to live in. The residents are great we all watch out for each other. It was a fantastic well maintained park before. Its all up to the new mgmt if things will improve? In the event that they do remodel the clubhouse and gym area I will revised my post to inform you at that time then his park would be perfect for and senior to reside in.
My mom lives here. Very nice.
Quiet but little parking
Nice place to live
Nice community very quiet.