Not impressed. Just looks like someone wondered into the forest and hung up their trash.
Amazing! I saw an owl fly over my head and land in a tree a few feet away. Sculpture forest is really cool! The entrance is near the rec center. Take time to look at all the details of each sculpture, its pretty cool.
My son found this magical place inspiring, liberating and enchanting. We discussed each piece’s meaning and significance. Each display is a triumph of non verbal communication in conveying nature’s struggle against humanity and commercialism, while displaying humanities vulgar negligence of its surrounding ecology . The glass forest along with the Smithsonian art gallery and the Hirshhorn Museum should be part of the DC art trinity.He will be returning with class mates and family to gain more knowledge of each piece and learn how we are woven with it in a quilt of life and existence
Small and disappointing in its attempt to showcase art made from found and recycled items. Overall, we felt it had potential, but misses the mark in aesthetics and meaningfulness. The bamboo wrapped in yarn was my favorite piece. It either has a “Mad Max” post-apocalypse vibe, or a hermit in the woods vibe, depending on your perspective. I found it eerie rather than charming. Be aware the bench others have mentioned is broken so it’s BYO seating if you need it.
It is hard to rate something like this. I appreciate the effort that some folks took to create something out of nothing. I think the idea is neat, a little local attraction. But as far as something to travel out of your way to see, not so much.
The Glass Forest is one of the most obscure hidden spots in Washington, D.C. If you drive to the Palisades neighborhood in NW DC along the Potomac River, go to the Palisades Playground parking lot. Facing the playground, go left own a tiny faded path. Youll feel like youre walking in peoples backyards, but youre not. After a few feet there will be a small path to your right. Go down that for a few seconds until you see things hanging from the trees- bits of glass, parts from bikes, bras, CDs, all the things. Its an outdoor art gallery with several exhibits hanging from trees. Theres a small bench for reflecting.
A bit disconcerting eith the bras on the trees and the glass shards but very creative and quite amazing
Nothing quite like it. Kind of eerie, but also beautiful and inspiring. Safe area. Free parking lot just off the not-so-obvious path. You wouldnt know this was here if you werent told. Watch the movement of reflected light in the forest as CDs and mirrors spin, dangling from branches blowing in the wind. Listen to the bugs and birds. Wish there were more creative places like this in the forest. Thank you to whomever created this space.
There was not alot of stuff to see as they claimed
A tranquil oddity tucked away beside a public park and rustic neighborhood, the Glass Forest is a collection of art projects randomly placed in the forest, with unmarked muddy paths leading in from both sides of the area. Well worth the detour to find something unique in the city.
This place is ... wonderful, refreshing my understanding of art. A must go in DC!
This place is mysterious spot in an area.
Neat spot
Cool space!