Your experience will begin with a short trip up a sketchy elevator. A disinterested employee will glance up from their phone with disgust in their eyes. The amazing ice rink. Wow. The white, plastic tiles cooled the room. Behold the arcade- half of the games are broken. But they are glorious. And the prize of the establishment; the 9 hole golf course. Comprised by mannequins that were dressed by raiding nearby military surplus stores, random life jackets strewn about, and the same 3 hole designs. But even better! The bathrooms! No doors need to be latched; why wouldn’t you want to go the bathroom with the stall half open? Overall, I hilariously bad establishment. 5/5 would recommend. Great story to tell your family and friends.
My wife and I played the 9-hole mini-golf course, and she destroyed me. Then we played a bunch of fun games and won a prize dolphin. This place would be great for a party.
Added a faux ice rink and it is very good for hockey players. Kids had fun, but could use some updating.
Mini golf was pretty sorry looking and many of the arcade machines were broken. The mini golf was supposed to be themed to top gun but instead was full of a bunch on mankins and other boring decorations. Very sad attempt at theming.
Great indoor mini golf and arcade. AC always on, open summer time only. Lots of fun, snacks and refreshments available. 2 blocks from boardwalk in lovely Virgina Beach
Decent putt putt nothing fancy at all... choose indoor because it was about 90 degrees inside, but Im pretty sure it was about 80 degrees in building.
Mini golf in the middle of a store... Pretty basic 9 holes... Not worth the $6 per person... No arcade here either... Just a few games...
I thought there would be a lot more. There wasnt even 18 holes for putt putt
The minigolf is pretty much unplayable. Every hole is putting to a hole on a plateau. Dont stop the ball with in 6-18 of the hole, it is rolling down the other side. That might be challenging for a really good golfer. But several of the holes have patterns where the hole is that are not level with the rest of the turf. The ball hits them and makes a random bounce.The skee ball was fun even if you couldnt win anything
Very basic course. Not challenging yet great for little kids learning to play.
Awesome plain awwww
Your kids will love it
Grest for the family and friends.
Dive. Dont go.
Its super small
Was closed for the season
A lot to see n do
Wasnt quite what we expected but everyone was extremely nice
Not an arcade, has like 4 game machines
Not been there