Nothing there. Village needs to put something there to attract people to move near. Too many people are moving out especially because they took out the pool
Free wood-chip pile
Nice and quiet
Lufkin pool now a grassy knoll
Beautiful pond, wonderful place to take photos, or have a picnic.
Nice place, be nicer if our village would rebuild this necessary asset to our community, especially for the kids,come on Al lets do something .
A nice park in town. Has the public pool and a nice area to walk.
Pretty, relaxing, free
Family and child friendly. A Villa Park Park District property.
Sad that our short sited president n some board members dont see the value in a nieghborhood pool . Sad .
Gross, a lot of garbage in the pond.
Super nice!!
Tranquil & peaceful
Its a park!
Glad its closed
Love it.
Save the pool
Its a large park
Great place