Spent time with my baby boy Tatoe. We took a hike and played a game of tag..... But the park turned into a homeless camp!? Whats going on with my city???. Jesus clean up the city. Bring healing and restoration....️
The city should do more than just try to push out the homeless. Its not their fault with everyone being evicted. They mind their business and I see families playing all the time.
I rate this a 4 because its a nice walk with the hike on the pacific hill.... you can even go and touch the pacific p. They have the plunge and all great things. The only problem is how much they store homeless people here. I wish there was a mission or something around here alot of them can go to instead of sitting in the heat all day. But another bonus is there are plenty of trees.
Peaceful lots of parking and looser homeless
Grown men sitting in there cars look very suspicious. Dont feel comfortable bringing my kids to this park
To many wierdos but i love um
Feeding the homeless. Really nice people here.
Nice during day not a safe place to be at night
Looking for a swim center this is the place..Bring your mask, swim attire, a few dollars and be ready for your temperature to be checked and have fun fun fun fun
Nice park great swimming area and place to have a family gathering but bathrooms are so dirty.
It got a 1 just bekuzz its a park smh
Its a fun and friendly environment my whole family can enjoy.
Tough park, not really for kids anymore lots of stuff they should not see going on
Nice chill spot nd great trail to hike.... Yet too many homeless
Use to b a fun place to go but it go over run & not kid safe if u go there please be aware of ur surroundings
The pool is awesome during the summer time. They have a water park for kids, a big water slide, and a huge swimming pool.
Beautiful park great meh tyme place to go and relax ease yo mind and its very spacious
Its cheap and fun for the kids but very strict with swimming suits is a must or no entry & for guy must have actual swimming shorts with liner inside or no entry aswell
Love the people that are there friendly kind helpful
Really good I love it so much my kids play all the time
Nice shade friendly people just relaxing and enjoying being outside
Mellow hangout spot, that is if you can avoid all the homeless people everywhere.
The park is large so you never feel too close to others. The trees are mature enough to provide shade all day long
This is really awesome no matter how I look at it. Local, nice up hill track, fabulous view, mix of individuals, every one do their own diligence.I walk, I MTB, stretching open parking area.
Good place to jog on the mountain..just alot of homeless tents all over...they are generally nice and respectfull.. keep to themselves
I noticed a wet n wild slide and pool. While opened
Very relaxing, lots squirrels!
This place is fun for kids. Fair warning, Its crowded all of the time! They run the pool in 2 hour shifts. You pay & swim for 2 hours & then everyone has to exit & leave the pool. It gives you a break & time to eat. It also gives the lifeguards time to clean. There is one large pool that has a shallow & deep end. There is a kiddie pool & lots of fountains & water spouts for the kids to run through. There is a large twisty slide for the bigger kids. There are several tables & chairs & the outside is all cement. No grass & very little shade. The only shade is what the tables & chairs can provide.
The winter wonderland was a fun community activity. They had SNOW! Lots of booths, food, music, and Santa. The event was safe and we thoroughly enjoyed our visit.
Very poor maintanance,too many homeless
Relaxing with a blunt
Good sized,didnt seem over ran with homeless folk, relatively clean.
It was opened and there were people swimming and playing on a huge water slide that was fitting for little ones with the 3ft drop into the pool.
Nice scenery while you walk but scary, alot of homeless people live in the bushes. If you go please go in a group! Stay safe
Its a great place to take a run or walk on the hills either really 3arly or before sun sets. Sadly some pet owners dont pick up their pets droppings and has a growing rate of transients either in cars or settled in their tents.
Good for walking up the hill
A boring place to go now. Not a lot of fun action for kids any more with the park filled with drunks and drug addicts.i would pass it up and find another waterslide attraction.
Ppl clean ur pets drops....this is our city our home lets keep it clean..dont wait..for the city to doit so ..love sbz..
Nice location for tennis as well as for hiking.
A great place to reflect quietly from the buzz of the everyday routine...
Beautiful Place to view from up high
The water park is great...
The cops dont bother me.
If u love having a great time with u family this is that right place
Made love to my wife on a rock on top of the hill,the view was great
Plung is ok dor the kids the park is trash
Nice day at the park.
A lot of homeless people and no one is helping
I do like what this park has to offer but I often dislike the kind of people who tend to inhabit it. Theres often people who look like theyre smoking and drinking. Its those kinds of things that dont give me the desire to be there.
Really bad park n there is always someone doing somethink bad pls dont leav ur kids unattended
Wouldnt let me get in without bathing suit
I love to get my workout in this beautiful park, and please lets do our best to keep San Bernardino clean. Its a beautiful place to live.
To me any park that the police show their presents and and does not engage, they can see that people are doing okay and they just leave you alone its a nice park. And the safe place to relax.
Dirty too many homeless people
One of the most excellent parks to be in the summer
They need to be more on it with the homless camping on the hill. Starting to look like Secombe Lake Park.
Its a nice Park but their restroom is never open.
Clean and quiet
Kids love the pool!
Scary park . But, the city has put in a beautifully new play area
A nice place to get a piece of mind
I grew up at this park. Gotta help all the homeless out here. The city is giving up on our people.
Always a picture perfect pleasure!
Peaceful nice old Sbpd pistol range. Walk path will let the public see a real old time shooting range from above. With a beautiful view of most of san Bernardino. & a eyeshot of San Manuel Casino.
Its much better than it ude to be it can still get a little more work but good for know
Good park for the pool waterside kiddie pool and adult pool. My niece and nephew had a blast.
I have been coming to this park for many years now and walking the hill I love this place
Nice Lil water park my son enjoyed him self but he thought the life guards could of been more attentive.
Homeless central great place to give back
This park has gone way down hill. It Is really ashamed how the city has just let this park go. The bathroom (when Its open) Is just sickening. It use to be a decent park. Now Its not a very safe place. Their Is a shooting range and tennis courts. Their Is A place to host a small event. Their Is The Jerry Lewis pool area down the road. It Is not a total loss but I would not go their. The YMCA Is just to the west . Now the trail Is great Its a nice little walk. Their Is a big parking lot their too.
Had my daughter birthday party her and it was a blast water very clean life guard very nice and on point
The Ducks are the real mvps. I had taken my children to feed the ducks I ran out of bread and they chased us; they are truly the definition of family over everything lol
Chill and relax after work. As long as you can find a shade tree to park under.
The winter wonderland was so much fun
ITS a nice place to do some walking on the hill
Great place to take the kids and it doesnt cost very much.
Kind of dirty and more of a home with Hangout
Well I love the place, the hill is beautiful,the park is nice, so are the plays...With that said people need to pick up after their pets--more trash cans and no camping on grounds would be ideal.
I took my kids to the plung and they loved it, and it was very safe the lifeguards really stay on top of the kids.
Water park for the summer gives Arrowhead an activity for hot weather.
Tennis courts are nice! so are the people everyone minds there own business yet still friendly!
Its an okay park for family and friends you have certain parts of the park where there are people there everyday but other than that its good
Its cool
Ld lowdown mommas house
The park is awesome, its just the people kinda trash the place...
Good place play tennis.
Hung out there while I was waiting for x-ray appointment it was soothing
Me and my wife love the long walks at night up the little mountain
I bought meth from here. It was ok wasnt the best.
Ive been going to this park since the 70s. Love it.
Kinda sketchy, kinda cruisy, kinda dried out, but always entertaining. I cant say i would bring my kids here though.
The homeless is everywhere needles and baggies on the floor!!!got 2 love it
Everyone loves this park
Beaitiful quiet atmosphere includes Tennis Courts Water Park nice picnic benches and Barbeque pits.
Love the Winter wonder land 2019
Its a very good place to go walk exercise take picture and other things you should go explore perris hill Park its a beautiful place I recommend it to everybody