UPDATE 10/23/2018Re-route completed. The trail is now down to 3.9. Still a nice hike. A primitive log or stick bridge was made to cross over Sugar Brook, it is a little challenging but not to bad. Maybe some time in the future the Eagle Scouts will make some new bridges across the two areas of the Sugar Brook. Overall still a nice hike. The new route now connects the loop at the road across from the trail sign and the start of the trail. A trail map is now posted at the main parking lot sign.UPDATE 6/25/2018I just got back on the trail after about a week. To my dismay I found that the trail was re-routed. Two new PRIVATE PROPERTY signs have closed portion of the trail and a new or temporary blue blaze trail has been cleared around the property. The trail is now 4.1 miles.Just found this trail last summer. It is a 4.7 mile blue blaze trail that has great views of the Quinebaug River, pine forest, woods pond and a swamp with a beaver damn. A great morning work out.
Good place for biking trails.
You got to see it!!!
Great cooperation between local and state agencies and our club, Central Connecticut Spaniel Club to enable the club to host our field trial this weekend.
Open fields that lead to river.great for getting dogs out.Follow marked blue trail.
Great place to bring the dogs!
Theres know birds out there I been there five times this year and never seen a bird or head a gun shaft
Lots of hiking trails. Good scenery during summer. 2 geocaches hidden in there. Hunting season in fall, wear orange if hiking then.
Great place to walk
Great place to take ur dog for a hike
Sugarbrook Loop Trail.....4.7 Miles includes a section along the Quinnebaug River.