Wonderful place to take some amazing pictures. It will be packed with others taking pictures especially youngsters so go late as possible. If you have a professional camera the pictures will come out beautiful. Best to look online and get pose ideas.
Loved this exhibit! My boyfriend and I checked it out when we were at D.D. JOHNSTON-HARGITT HOUSE MUSEUM and I definitely understand why its so instagram worthy.
I am a none drugs addicted and none cosmetic addicted. And my sense of smell is excellent.Nothing can get past me without me knowing about it.
Heres a real piece of Norwalk history. Nice guided tour by young folks that know only a limited amount about the place and its history. Still, you walk away knowing more than when you came in. Definitely recommend checking out.
Very well kept facility. Didnt do the tour. Well done.
So much history and very interesting. My family and I loved it.
It brings back great memories when I was growing up. When Chun and Ida Hargitt would go on vacation to Escondido me and my brother and Grandpa,( who was the caretaker of that property) what spend the night in that old house. Came back again December 21st for Christmas tour at night. The portable lighting was very poor, didnt feel a lot of holiday cheer from the staff working. There was a gentleman in a wheelchair who couldnt get in the gate because theres no wheelchair accessibility ramps. I felt bad for the guy so I said Ill the gate with him and we had great conversation and told old stories. Come on Norwalk all that money spent and no wheelchair ramp through the back gate! Please try to work on it thanks
I like the look of it. It is nice place to visit.
I love old houses like this.
Beautiful place loved getting to go on your of it
Now I gave it a three stars because when I went for a field trip we went upstairs and there was a creepy doll.Its antique which gets me excited but the feeling I got was weird.good place anyway.Its nice that the city saves historical places like this.The people that give tours are nice.
Best vintage House Museum around. Very proud of this place I grew up living close.
Nice experience really enjoyed the tour
Close by to where I live, easy to walk to, lovely upgrade to the house, and lots of info during the tours!
Very interesting piece of history.
SIX cities - 680 VANISHED
It was educational
Never been here
Great museum
Its is a original intact home from the 1800s