Holmes are old ans bor taken care of
She complains over everything adds fess to your rent for simple petty things she is money hungry and very rude yes it is a nice trailer park but the manager is a little bit over board. Over charging .. My friend lives out there he owns his trailer disabled living on a fixed income.. He pays his lot rent on time every month. She parks her vehicle on his lot behined his trailer and fines him if anyone else parks there. She is always hounding him about getting his grass cut ive seen him have to pay 4 times in one week to get hia grass cut it was not needed and she told him she was going to find him 100 dollars one day when it was raining if he didnt find someone to cut his grass..in the rain! Mind you he just had it cut two days prior...
Don’t stay here because she complained to much about everything and anything you do out here can’t have music playing out door / pool / Trampoline and much more
Its good to shop but not enough cashiers and thats wats make it long...
My Aunt lives there and its nice
Management is crazy bully
Good trailer home park !