This place is an absolute dump. I cant see how people actually live here. The roads are barely usable, trashy lots, mobile homes that are quite literally falling apart. I understand you get what you pay for and this place is very cheap to rent but the place is falling apart.
Landlord and maint are very nice people. Older park but taken care of
TRASH!!!! ZERO RATING!!! I regret moving here, went against my own better judgement of the actual site of the mobile home park, thought i was getting a completely redone trailer. Ummmmm,,, no i got a trailer with a huge bandaid over it. That is now slowly coming to a surface. Walls cracking (not just ur typical crack of settlement) they are separating from the joints. They leak fluids, from the roof i am supposing. The awning or covering to my patio porch was promised to be replaced in October.. it is now March, and the holes in it, defeats the purpose of having one at all. The heating elements are a JOKE! He has removed all gas heat from home, converting to all electric with BASEBOARD HEATERS that clearly do not heat the home. Leaving them on 80 at all times,, and you can not SHUT THEM OFF. So in summer.. had i stayed,, i would be running my window unit, and the heat. u can turn them to low, but not OFF. Literally fell sick 3 times in this home in the last 4 months...always freezing. Black mold lays under the sprayed texture on ceiling and walls. The floor boards are pulling apart... i have talked to Dan several times regarding maintenance issues, to get absolutley nowhere. Electric bills are no less than $420. monthly. I literally paid 1140.30 for 3 months of electric. The maintenance guy literally has zero clue on what he is doing.. the water tank is efficient for a 1 bedroom apartment, let alone a 3 bedroom 2 bath trailer. The yard, streets etc are a huge mud all times. My vehicle has been stuck twice this week/ huge pot holes throughout the streets. The neighbors are nosey and think they run the place. This place is HORRIBLE. i believe he runs these specials of half off first month rent to get people in DO NOT FALL FOR IT. i currently pay $710 per month for my rent, plus over 400 for electric.. SOOO NOT WORTH IT! Save yourself the trouble, and stay clear of this place.
This park is dirty and run down
Must be ok I visit it alot
They dont know how to fix anything.
Its home wish the would fix the gravel on the roads tho
Ugh its a fudging dump