This Skatepark is good and would be almost great if the surface wasn’t so uneven. The people who skate here are really cool. Night skating is better to watch, unless you are really good and/or don’t mind heavy traffic and crashing. If you want see pros, it’s possible you will find one here!
The locals are cool, unfortunately, the park has really difficult to understand transition
Great park!!! My nephew loved it!!! Thank you for providing this kind entertainment everyone.
I play dodgeball nearby and am in sight of the skatepark, the lights are on late and there is rarely any bad commotion.
Long Beach Citys first skate park. My home park since opening day in 2000. Most professionals in the area have trained here and are some of todays bes
Great set up. The kids there skating where very considerate to my 3 amd 5 year olds who where just learning
The park has so many things to do you can skateboard play tag frisbee golf tennis basketball soccer and so much more I think its the perfect place for families and events this was El Dorado Park West in Long Beach California theres so many other parts of the park it would take a month to see all of them what a wonderful thing Long Beach has.
I come here often in the mornings when its usually less crowded. nice little selection of ramps and is great for beginning or advanced skaters. everyone always seems pretty friendly and supportive
Great park for skaters and scooters - all ages! Next to playground, public restrooms, and even a little shop to buy cold drinks, ice cream, and candy. Super friendly locals. Cant say enough nice things about this beautiful area!
Huge park! Great neighborhood in LBC
Great park kids sometimes smoke but it’s easy to avoid and ignore SO STOP CALLING THE COPS!
Nice park however id advise that you dont come here unless you have some tricks down bc its a bit more of an advanced park
ELDO for life.
Dope spot
Not the best skate park but ok for die hard skaters. Unfortunatley I got stuck with the bad attitude skaters if it werent for them it would have been a bit better.
My kids love the park and watching the skaters
Very good park for the kids
Excellent skatepark as it was a warm environment and a combination of steep and less steep bowls and also ramps as well as railings. Also a neat street skate area next to the basketball court.
Good skatepark but really rough and a lot of scooters only a few were scooter kids though, most of the scooters knew how to not be in the way
Everything you meed in a park
Had my grandson PARTY there it was very nice but there was kids there being disrespectful with their language and being disrespectful to the smaller kids. If you go keep an eye on your kids
Pretty lit fame Jake drake the vape god
I love the obstacles but it is always crowded from 20 to 40 people at a time its a nice place but there can be some sketchy characters hanging around q
Really good skatepark for riding scooter
Amazing and friendly people, but always crowded.
I dont skate, but I think its tax money well spent.
One of my sons favorite skateparks (for scooter riding).
If you scooter than this is the park for you. But if you are a skater like me, than this is not a good park for you.
Fun but small
Too many kids
Too packed with annoying scooter kids always getting in the way but when youre one of the only people there, have fun
The best
Packed. Drugs all over.
Do they allow scooters am 9 and i want to go to one but i dont if they do i have a razor kick scooter