I attended part-time online courses in the spring of 2019. The first course I had took some getting used to but was fine. My second course was an absolute waste of time. The online course was an out-of-date version and videos and links were broken or incorrect for the first few weeks. Also, I literally had to ask our instructor to stay on top of our grades. Even going into midterms and final projects she was weeks behind and was NOT responding via email. She was going through a family crisis and gave up on our course almost entirely. I withdrew from the program after this. I could not trust the staff to do their job and provide the value expected form a college of such renown and high ranking. I felt isolated and still feel taken advantage of.I spoke to the Chair of the Animation Department, Sean Brown, about these issues and he was hardly sympathetic. The instructor told me she was in touch with the Chairman but by the end of the course Sean Brown had only just discovered this issue was happening. I asked why there werent any quality control measures in place to prevent this and he said he didnt have time. Overall, Im SO disappointed that I ever thought this was a good idea.I also wrote this review once before, but it looks like they scrubbed it from this list. So, I would like to tell this story again so that future artists arent tricked into wasting time and money on useless online courses at RMCAD. For some extra perspective, just for these two courses, I now owe $4,880.80 in student loans. Never go here.
Staff is very friendly but the class structure is confusing and time wasting. I would not recommend on ground campus. Classes are at least 3 hours and 45 min, but only an hour is lecture and then the next 2 hours and 45 min is work time. I feel they could have cut the classes in half because I already have to drive over an hour to get there only to do something I could have stayed home and done on my computer. 2 classes, thats a full day with only 2hours of actually teacher lecturing and 6 hours of work time. not to mention the classes require attendance. Waste of money and time.
Founded in 1963, the Rocky Mountain School of Art and Design is a private art school in the United States. Since its inception, the school has been one of the most important art and design institutions in the United States. The college is a place full of great joy, enlightenment and creativity. Here, the College has always planned to develop the talents and abilities of artists, designers and visionaries. The Rocky Mountain School of Art and Design (Lakewood) is a four-year, fully accredited college. The main majors are graphic design and digital media, animation, interior design, illustration, art education, fine arts, focusing on photography and video, sculpture, ceramics, painting and so on. The Rocky Mountain School of Art and Design (Lakewood) campus has 18 historic buildings with a variety of twentieth-century architecture. Includes a woodworking factory, a ceramics studio, a photography studio, a professional sound studio, a 283-seat auditorium, a 35-seat audio-visual theater, a large conference room, and a library/resource center.
Staff has been extremely helpful in the foundations are and are prompt to respond. Open door policy they do have. I am looking to delve into their fashion design field.
A great school that is always staying at the forefront of the art world!
I LOVED some of my classes but after two semesters here they didnt have enough students for the classes I needed for my degree and put me in a bunch of classes that were irrelevant to my degree. And their decision on what makes an online class and what is an eight week class is baffling. I had to take a full semester for a class on using the library but got stuck in an 8 week Art History class that was extremely difficult to pass, not because the work was hard but because there wasnt enough time to turn out the quality of work expected. I also came to the school expecting scholarships, I MOVED from across the country to come to school here and once I arrived I found out my scholarships were only partial and ended up taking out close to 10 grand in loans. For a degree program they basically did away with and put online. I have credits I CANNOT use and had to drop out because I couldnt finish my degree here. The best part... when i was trying to get in touch with financial department and academic advisors, who were being hostile towards me... they put me on academic probation for being rude on the phone. Dont waste your time here... They might be a decent university if they are open with what is going on, but they spend too much time tricking students so we dont leave. They promise degree programs and financing they just dont have.
$60,000+ for a fashion degree, are you kidding me!!
AMAZING PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT HERE :D Dream come true...I cant wait to keep pursing my dreams, these people are motivators, no matter who owns the company they are amazing and always striving their best to help others in need! No matter who sold to who, honestly even if they have little people or more, its better to be closer to your peers than be far apart. I love this place, i dont care if a huge company bought it/school(Full Sail University), but i think and believe that you do you, and we strive to get our selves out there, even if we start small without a job, if Paul Sullivan can do it, anyone can :3
Dont go to a school with a 100% acceptance rate.Dont go here. Its not a real art education. Whoever runs this operation is putting in very little to create a rigorous, competitive program. Its so easy to pass its almost insulting. They put what makes money over what is is best for the students. I am now going to Kansas City Art Institute and Im loving it. Please avoid for profit art schools, they give a bs education and dont encourage criticality or competition.
Currently attending this school, and it truly is a gem. Im enjoying my time here, and despite what some may say about the changes being made or the difference from other schools, it is pretty rad and special. The feel of the community is very friendly and the staff and faculty are open and friendly as well. The work is challenging enough but also fun. Anyone considering art school should definitely consider this school.
This is a place that is best reviewed beforehand. While enjoying a family day out we happen across some minor to nonpurposed art so we go take a look. Lawn is well kept, what few art pieces we did get to view while sitting seemed slightly dull then no more than two minutes we see a man running interior to what looked like the main building. Within being there possibly four to five minutes security is on site..... I did question him some and he was very professional however we did learn the policy is stay away. Now as a family we enjoy finding new places to go different playgrounds to keep it exciting for the children, different areas of the city to view the differences in art, culture, etc. It is very rare that a place holds such a view. Honestly you would think they would encourage art culture in upbringing of children but I could be wrong.
Walk through the campus and enjoy public art on display. Whimsical and fun outdoor sculptures are juxtaposed to old brick buildings each carrying a special name. A beautiful and very well kept complex of multiple buildings that were built as a part of a medical facility in early 20-th century.
These people are racist. I apply first - then I tell my boyfriend to apply. They contact him. I call and leave a message. They called him again. Still disregarding my attempts. Dont waste your time with this school
My son has attended this university and the follow up is horrible. They do not return calls or promptly respond to emails, but when tuition time is near, they are very responsive. While I believe the university to be decent and has a great price point, I wish my son had continued at SCAD. There is no real concern for the students and their success because if there were, staying in touch with the students, or even responding to their emails and calls would be first priority and not last.
Im fixing to transfer to this college pretty soon and so far they have answered my calls and emails as they should. They havent been rude but are straight to the point when it comes to answering questions. Theyre not like others who fiddle around and dont really answer the questions you ask. I think the only reason why some are having problems is because 1. They didnt come as prepared, 2. They didnt get their way and are throwing fits about it. Yes sometimes college have mishaps even the community college I go to has messed up but its okay. RMCAD has really helped me with getting my degree plan set up with all the classes I need and helping me get my stuff ready to transfer. So as far as I have been shown there are no problems with this university and theyve helped me when I asked. Im really looking forward to moving soon.
You could probably count the number of Animation Alums who are working in their field on one hand. What else would you expect from an animation faculty who never really worked in their field either or at least not with consistency. Also, the humanities department is basically just a full blown communist discourse survey. Add in the cost cutting moves to online classes which the average student gets nothing from and you are paying tens of thousands for a few barbecues and pats on the back. SERIOUSLY you might get a better education from casa Bonita down the street. Its a place for failed artist faculty who are themselves in deep college debt to pay off their debt by getting the new generation into college debt. REAL TALK
I attended RMCAD for my freshman year of college, I had a horrible experience. RMCAD is a degree mill but, that is the least of their problems. They have a program for students with disabilities, in every class I would have to seek help from the disabilities coordinator because nearly every one of my teachers would ignore the accommodations my doctor recommended. I let them know I could not be in a class because the teacher did not use any visual aids because of my disability I cannot learn this way so I tried to drop the class. Later that day an advisor forwarded me an email from the head of the liberal arts department, it was extremely rude and he suggested that I just deal with it. The illustration department is the largest department in the school and every class room had around only 8 working desks. The whole year I was there they promised to replace them, but that never happened and students had to work on desks that were frankly unusable. The financial department is a mess, they failed to notify a fellow student that she owed them money and because of this she had to go to court because it violated the terms of her Visa. I never received a single bill from RMCAD and my account would be placed on hold because they did not notify me I owed them money. One time I went in to pay my tuition and it was 6k more than I anticipated, they insisted it was the correct amount. When I dropped out they gave me a check worth nearly seven grand because they had messed up on how much I owed them. I got an internship through the school which I really enjoyed. When I was accepted into it the advisors told me I was free to go ahead and start working while logging my hours myself. Six months after I went in to see how much credit I could receive for the course, the Internship department let me know that a month AFTER I started my internship they created new paperwork to log hours and since I hadn’t used it my hours didn’t count. They never sent me the paper work after they created it and I don’t think they even had a record that I had started an internship. Eventually I figured it out myself without help from the school.I have had an issue with every department at RMCAD. I suggest that you do not attend RMCAD or send your kids there. It’s a scam.
This is not an actual art school. If you have any actual art education, this will become apparent at the first chance you have to critique your fellow students work. Work done by someone who already has experience and an AA in graphic design will be graded equally with what is essentially stick figure drawings. They will push you through as long as you turn in any garbage but once they get a chance to screw you out of a grade they will. Teachers are failed artists who sit in their box and send out Ted talks as lessons and dont abide by the rules set by their own syllabuses. Dont waste your time at this Full Sail ripoff factory.
Beautiful campus. Took tour and met faculty and students. They are expanding the programs and new President is from Gnomon. The school will soon have a Makerspace.
I love RMCAD- to go here you have to manage your time well. The educational track goes quickly and you can earn a degree that carries a history of prestige. RMCAD is a school for artists founded by artists in beautiful Colorado. If you want to study art-go to RMCAD.
DS+I Program was interesting and valuable in many ways. I was alone in a couple classes but didnt feel like I missed out really. I think that it is important, especially in a masters program, to take responsibility for your education and experience. Yes, this is a collaborative and critique-based program but that doesnt mean that those aspects should be limited to the classroom or online forum only. No one is going to hold your hand in a professional environment and I dont think you should expect it from a MA program either. There is definitely room for improvement in the program and on the organizational side of RMCAD but thats life buddy. Professors were helpful when needed. Online system worked just fine. Books/course materials were valuable. Good balance of research, academic writing and design work. I think that any intelligent and capable designer will be able to extract value from this program even with some deficiencies or personality conflicts along the way. Just having a degree wont get you a gig at any place worth working for, you have to make it happen for yourself. I really dont know if this is the best MA option around or if it will benefit you but I did it, it worked for me, Im a professional designer, Im out there and Im your competition. Good luck.
If you’re looking to get d!cked around in the worst possible way this could be the school for you! Recovering crack head? Perfect! Because you just got hired to be the counselor for last names L-M! Is a student unsatisfied? Who gives a $&@?! they are payin’ us right?!? Waiting for your degree in the mail? Sorry our administration needed some rolling papers so they used your diploma! If you thought your college experience couldn’t get any better we’re located straight in the barrio! You’ve got a better chance getting stabbed than getting a degree! So come join us and completely destroy your career/life at RMCAD!
A total lack of honesty and trust.I represent a university which signed an exchange agreement with RMCAD last October.After nominated one student for September intake of next academic year and submitting all the requirements that they asked for, suddenly they decided to cancelled the agreement as they didnt have any student to come to our university.This reveals their short mind, when it comes to international strategy. Simply because, you cannot expect to have a balance number of exchange students since semester one, as no student or university representative have come to visit and share feedback.One of the clauses of the agreement said that in order to cancel the agreement any institution MUST NOTICE six months in advance.... (they have told us with 2 days of advance).All academic community should know about their good practice and stay away from them.
Worthless education diploma mill. I graduate in August and regret going here. RMCAD is a joke.
I cant speak about anyone elses experience, but thus far mine has been exemplary. compassion, camaraderie, professionalism, encouragement, competence, friendliness, humanity and genuine concern. this University Literally Saved my Life and is part of the Foundation for My new life Meth and Cocaine free-- Thank You RMCAD Every single person
Its a shame the founder sold the school to investors who are completely disinterested in the voice of the student body (which is a fraction of the size it was a few semesters back... its a ghost campus now). theyll do everything they can to sell the place to potential students and suck in new recruits but once youre there they dont care about what you have to say on matters such as how the required online liberal arts classes are an absolute joke being run on three different and extremely poorly designed websites, how the school is going through one of its recurring administrative changes in which they get rid of the student advisors without telling you and then find some people for the last two weeks of the semester, or how they overwork their teachers by making all of them the chair of at least one department and demanding they work terms back to back while teaching not only on ground classes but online classes as well on top of managing the departments theyve been assigned.basically this school is a joke now and its definitely not worth the money, which is unfortunate because there are so many brilliant and talented teachers there that genuinely just want to teach art but in the end the fun of learning and making art with knowledgeable professors just isnt worth the hassle of dealing with the administration and the politics of a transition from a prestigious art school to an outrageously overpriced vocational blanket education. its so frustrating to experience inspiration and getting into a creative zone and then being rushed through it because we have to cover the next topic or skip the rest of this so we can make sure to complete the important assignments that get graded by the administration and not the teachers because youre not being graded on how much youve grown or learned but by how many key points have you included in this drawing to show that youve understood the course (perspective, proportions, lighting, color, etc). the way the administration manages to break down the art classes they offer into some spreadsheet of topics and chapters that must be covered in order for them to maintain their accreditation sucks all the fun out of studying art. it wouldnt be so bad to make sure we cover and understand key topics to meet accreditation requirements if we were given more time to cover all the material without rushing through it in 8 or 16 week terms without any breaks or leniency.if you can afford to piss away tens of thousands of dollars, it might not be a bad deal to complete a degree here... but for those who are taking out sizable student loans and/or working multiple jobs to try and cover the tuition cost, its not worth the education youre getting.
My first daughter went here after her experience my second WILL NOT.
This school was horrible they never returned emails and phones. There level professional for most of them is unprofessional as well as not organized. Plus they charge three times the tuition and they charge for withdrawing from their school which is $200. Lead along with that some of their classes have to much workload that doesnt catch to 8 weeks but instead for a 16 week course. So I repeat do not go to this college.
Amazing. art education department is wonderful progam.countless memories and experiences.
Love this place! Great place for an education.
Where can i change my ps3 at?
Came for the art. Stayed for the disc golf.
Historic campus.
A hidden gem outside the mile high city!
Great school i love this school