One year under a great woman name Melissa. She was not only our landlord but very quick became family. It is a mobile park, you gonna find you good and the bad. But I assure you that at this little Vecindad, rains with the good. Desde Sr. Margarita ofreciendo su amor y sus pasteles. Ummm! Ya tengo hambre. ;) Build a park for the kids. That’s all they need... love you guys hope you enjoy the pics. God Bless you all.
I live in this park in its a wonderful community people are really finding hear a lot of people from the office theyre really nice
Worst trailer park ever !! They have an infestation of rats and a lot of people on drugs here. Very shady neighborhood and office management.
Great place even mom and dad love it
Its a descent park
This place needs cleaning up
Nice trailer park
Crazy place but cool