Although it’s about 45 minutes away and in another state and diocese, we love driving down to OLG for Latin Mass at 1 p.m. on Sundays. We’ve been visiting at least every couple of months or so for a few years now.The building is breathtaking with an atmosphere of a much older church. The organ at High Mass rings beautifully, as well. The priests here have always been reverent.We also highly recommend midnight Mass on New Year’s Eve. It’s a little eerie, but full of the mysticism of the faith and sacraments. So worth the late night, even with kids! What better way to start a new year?!My only complaint is that the worm-out kneelers can be extremely painful.
Mass at OLG is such a beautiful gift from God.
Its alright. I once went to church and the pew are kinda uncomfy but the bread taste expired sometimes.
Church is good
This place is great. They are very welcoming and friendly. I dont understand that they still have a alter rail. That was supposed to come out in 1972 according to the Vatican. Other than that this place if great.
We frequently travel to Greensboro and always love visiting and attending Mass at Our Lady of Grace. This beautiful church offers a consistently reverent and holy Mass. A previous review incorrectly noted that Vatican II mandated the removal of the altar rail; there is no such requirement that Catholic churches remove the altar rail and we are grateful that Our Lady of Grace has retained this beautiful architectural and faithful element.
A really very inspiring place to attend Mass! The organ and choir are incredible...
I always love when Grimsley Madrigal Chorus performs here. Beautiful location, great acoustics.
Beautiful and peaceful church, traditional architecture offering different style and languages mass.Check their webpage for details
Lovely church, really beautiful. Love the choir. Good Service, you will feel the presence of The Almighty
Great church.
Gorgeous church. I believe this is the only church in the city offering the Tridentine Latin Mass. Love the communion rail and love that it is utilized at every mass! I love to kneel when receiving the eucharist. I also loved that there was a special mass for the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Great community
Beautiful traditional Roman Catholic Church in Greensboro. Communion rails used at every mass for Eucharist.Latin mass every Sunday 1pm.
Very Beautiful Stone Church in Sunset Hills.
Fantastic CONSERVATIVE Catholic church in Greensboro. Fantastic organist in Andrew O,Connor. This church should be the Cathedral whenever there becomes a diocese of Greensboro!
The church speaks for itself. When youre there youll know what I mean
Celebrating 8 years of marriage with my beautiful wife, what a wonderful way to start the day
Went to my 1st Latin mass with a friend, was very interesting. Beautiful church.
Have been going to OLG for 28 years. Beautiful parish—the physical building, Priests, and Parishioners. Parking is always an issue, but you can always find a spot.
I love the church..... the presence of God is felt!!
At church. In need of guidance. Having suicidal thoughts. Keep getting ignored by several people, even ask about talking to a priest several times. I dont get it? Why try. The church used to be better. This kind of action is why suicide is so high, even with vets. Which I am a vet.
The best place in church is to pray
Beautiful Catholic church, with a gothic, basilica structures.
I love to come here .. make me feel Im home ...
I highkey almost fell asleep like 8 million times also this school is NOT ok. PeriodTTT POOH
I went to a beautiful Stations of the Cross service today with wonderful and generous attendees.
Beautiful place of worship... great priest
Great Church!!! The parishoners are friendly, and the Priests are OUTSTANDING!!! Thank you for guiding us to the LIRD
The TLM on Sunday at 1pm with the chant choir is simply awesome.
Attended Wedding, Building and Interior Of Stone Excellent Atmosphere
Beautiful place to go.
I love our church
Love Our Lady of Grace. Beautiful building and fabulous people.
Absolutely gorgeous! One of the best Catholic Churches in NC. The splendid, cathedral-like Gothic architecture hearkens back to an earlier time. Not sure why they celebrate Latin Mass, but a fine parish nonetheless.
A very good parish community!
Very welcoming parishioners and clergy, encouraging message.
Beautiful Traditional and Reverent Catholic Church honoring Jesus, the Gospel, and our Holy Church.
This church is absolutely gorgeous.
Great Church
Love Our Lady of Grace! Beautiful church and services!
Latin Mass and a more traditional Church.
This church has the Latin Mass Sundays at 1pm
If you are visiting from elsewhere this is the Church to attend. Solid authentic practices of the Catholic Faith. Unlike other churches which too often want to emulate new age protestantism. Latin masses available.
The parish is truly Catholic. The parish is allowing for the return of true Catholicism. Some people may say that this parish is old school, but it is merely just Catholic. I am glad that the parish offers the true Mass according to the 1962 Missal.
It is a very beautiful place to worship
I only clicked on the one star because that way I can write a review. Anyhow, I had a dreaded experience working at a certain local school district and thought that maybe I could sub at this school. Well I interviewed with the principal (whom also came from the same dreaded school district.) She treated me like a peasant and trashed my resume. Then she sicked the local police on me to investigate me simply because I have a backbone (she thought I was wierd.) The principal there if its still the one from 2015 is A COMPLETE HYPOCRITE. By the way, my name is Francisco Jesus Aldana
I go to this school every day!
Traditional Catholic Church and liturgies. Beautiful organ
Great people
Good places
The history speaks for itself
Quiet Mass was very peaceful
Its beuttyfull. I wish I can go more often but Im handycap.
I love going to church
Beautiful church,North Caroline!!!
Friendly and not pretentious - as all churchs should be...
Great people love it
A beautiful church
Beautiful church and mass
Not enough praise and worship
Wedding was great!
Very helpful
Beautiful architecture, breath-taking liturgies, a must attend!
Beautiful church!!
Sense of community
Very freindly
The choir is the best!!!!
Beautiful place to be
Moving Latin Mass
My home
Peaceful place
Be sure to brush up on your Latin.
Lovely architecture and great services
Good service
Nos ayuda a estar más serca de Dios