My aunt lives here and its pretty decent
Was cool lots of climbing and trails fun for kids and adults I went there 3 times already and there is more and more there is a board walk alorgators fish and lots of field. I recommend it to every body there coneing and lots lots more.
I’ve lived there for the past 3 years, the park is really a great place location wisebut be prepared you don’t own your land which give you no rights at all. The park manager, Salvatore will make your life miserable. His totalitarian rule will make you wonder if you areabout to be ousssed ! One couple in the park got a tree removed on their property and Salvatorecornered them with a bill for 3000.00 to pay. Their paying 10.00 a month so they don’t get evicted.They also run off people that are at there Witts end, and throw their stuff in the street, and tryTo make a couple grand off their short comings.I’ve been happy with my neighbors but this place is a concentration camp. Check out some otherplaces. They discourage any harmony or group activeties. Better not use the pool either.Best,Gregory A McintoshP.s. Hope this saves you a lot of aggravation !
This is the place to retire and enjoy life... They even offer RV rental lots now. Heated Pool. Shuffle Board. Club House. Reasonable rent.
Its okay not bad clean
Are you SERIOUSLY going to evict a grandma and a baby?Give them the time they need. Shes making preparations to leave. Give them time.
I was visiting a friend, and its a great little Park, clean and friendly.
Evicting a grandmother and one year old child is reprehensible! ..what would Jesus say? We were going to park our RV here for the winter but Id rather stay in a Walmart parking lot than here...shame on you people!
Loads of hicks, tons of fun, as long as your not black.
Putting a grandmother who is caing for a 1 year old out on the streets. Shamedul.
Driving bye
Not what I thought
Its a ok