Nice place and allows older trailers that other places will not let in.
Ive lived here for 5+ years. This place is ran by a slum lord. There is no manager for this place, so rules and regulations are never enforced. He allows over-zealous tenants to bully and threaten other tenants . There are transients and tweakers that creep in and out, day or night. The place is over ran by feral cats that just keep birthing more cats. The road is never worked on and causes damage to cars, there are illegal, hazardous structures. A few tenants have roaches and when the get their homes get sprayed the rest of us have to fight them off as well. Trash and needles litter the park. The back field is filled of trash and transients sleep back there. Most Tenants are check to check people, just trying to live in an affordable place with their families. Unfortunately this place isnt safe for families. Just check the address on Meghans law.
How do I move here?