We saw Its a Wonderful Life and it was great! For a small production, with amateur actors, we got way more than we could have expected. I highly recommend the WTC.
Comfortable theater in the round. Actors were excellent. A small treasure in Yakima
My very first show. Very impressed with the acting n professionalism. Would go there again!
I love the intimacy of this theater: there isnt a bad seat in the house. Since this is a theater in the round the directors and actors make sure that all sides are played to. Sets are fairly simple for the same reason: you dont want a set piece blocking a sight line.They also make use of the many places for entrances and exits, and use the tops of corner aisles for set locations.
I love the Warehouse Theatre and have many fond memories from when they were in the Allied Arts building, now that they have found their new home in the Akin Performing Arts Center they are better than ever! I saw a performance of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory last year and Suite Surrender may be the best performance I have ever seen, I was in stitches the whole time. I am very much looking forward to their retelling of the Orson Welles radio performance of War of the Worlds and look forward to seeing every performance I can.
Singing in the Rain is a must see. I smiled & laughed & was in awe the whole time. Truly a great performance with amazing talent.
A wonderful performance by a very talented cast in Singin in the Rain. Highly recommend it!
Just saw Singing in the Rain - amazing performance.
Wonderful show. Great dancing, singing, and beautiful costumes.
Great production with a great cast
Went to the play, Suite Surrender. It was fabulous. Unfortunately couldnt quite hear all of the dialogue but enjoyed it immensely. Great job, everyone.
The Beehive musical was awesome.
Enjoyed the play very much! Looking forward to the next one!
Great show and supper performance.
Great place for liver and onions.