Its definitely more safe now
Nice, but only one (1) set of bleachers for 2 teams.
Ive never been there but ride by it frequently and it looks like a good little dainty park to go to. I think it would be good to take your kids to because its not really really big so you could keep a good eye on your children. Because this mess is real about folks stealing ya kids, i dont play all
Love this place me and my family are there all the time
So many fun activities for adults and children
We opened a beautiful facility for the Sewell Circle Community as well as the citizens of Warner Robins. I asked all to help take care of it!
The park was empty so I decided to let the kids play. It was clean and quiet despite all the cars meeting in the parking lot for a minute or so and leave. The kids enjoyed burning off the energy playing. Its not somewhere Id come to let the kids play often.
Convenient and clean. I take my grandchildren there sometime
The city is working hard to fix this place up. I remember when i was younger in high school about Deloris dieing and all us kids went to the city hall and begged the to build the youth center were we all could play. And we did we also had dances after the football games. And on weekends, Mr. Mattox was our chaperone and friend and best of all OUR TEACHER AT NORTHSIDE. He was great. I hope this park will come back and be a placeLike it was for us to have a great time, play games, and be great kids not running the road or getting into trouble. LONG LIVE DELORIS TOLIVERYOUTH CENTER AND SEWELL CITY PARK!
They rebuild for all kids it great and its beautiful
Cant wait for the renovation to he complete.
Had a great time at fall festival.
Website stated it was open, however upon arrival location is closed, the indoor basketball area.
Its semi quiet. Ball field is good. Kids enjoy playing.
Love this hood.
The gym is only a basketball court nothing else for kids to get involved with
Its good
Love that Nawf (Northside)The origin of Northsides finest
Good place to sit in the sun and enjoy a book
Great day at the park Martin luther King day .Big turn out.Lot of thinv to do gor everybody
Best b ball court in da hood
Not so good can be better
Great, safe back to school event held there.
Very small, needs alot of clean up.
One of the only public pools in Warner Robins. Last time I took my kids the pool was dangerously crowded and had to be temporarily closed and cleaned bc of vomit and feces in the water
Needs 2 scoreboards
Everything! I can find anything I want. love you google.
Great environment
Great place in Warner Robins to take the kids to play
Dont know much about it
Never been there
Great family fun!
Its in a good place
It used to be the place to chill .... miss them dayz. .
Stay away!!!!!
The park isnt the same anymore the pool is close and the children cant swim their anymore...why?
Great for kids
Thanks f kkkoo
I hate it its offul
Need a lot of cleaning up
This park has a pool!
Lynmore Estates, Macon. Ga.
Not a very good area drug dealers hang out here
Crazy place to raise kids
Miss the merry go round
Great park!
Family recreation
I grew up around the area so I like it... IJS