Great to practice flat track derby or just to skate around...bring a broom though the beans from the tree are sometimes all over the track !
Watched a local skate jam on go skate day. I skated it the next night, lots of flat ground with some waxed curbs. Sweet little skate spot.
Push the crosswalk button for the lights to come on at night. Nice concrete, smooth ride but needs some obstacles
One of the only places in town for Junior Female Roller Derby.
Lots going here. Took child to ride his bike. Clean safe.
Ive been bringing my child here for three years now and Im consistently bummed about the condition of these courts. There is always garbage about. Which, if not picked up by me or the derby team...will stay for days. (Weve tested this hypothesis. :( ) In addition, the restrooms are rarely left open for those using the facilities on weekends and in the evenings. Its very inconvenient to have to drive to Taco Bell. Or worse, help a kid pee in the bushes because they cant hold it. When open, the girls bathrooms are also used as storage for the football teams gear. Creepy. Also, there is no soap or paper towels and sometimes not even toilet paper. To add insult to injury, they dramatically increased the insurance minimums this year. In turn, all of the non profit teams who pay to use these courts, are having to direct MOST of their funds to insurance. Many of these kids are having to skate on duct taped equipment - and their dues and hard raised funds are going to insurance. Its sad. I feel like they can do better. Catalina could at least assign some high school kids to tidy up on a regular basis and direct some funds to opening and supplying a few proper restrooms. Just my two cents.
Best place to skate for free
Pretty small park but always fun to cruise around
I dont play roller Derby but Im glad there is a spot that keeps the sport alive along with roller hockey. Good to see it gets utilized frequentl. Its a great place to go since they closed down the the gateway ice. The title is misleading people though, should be called a skate rink not park.
Only place right now to play street (or ball or dek) hockey in Tucson. See Pima Street Hockey League 2.0 on Facebook.
Good place!
Totally Awesome bro
Roller hockey rink.
Needs facilities
No skate park here