A great community of people sharing an amazing location and top notch amenities.
Quite nice for driving by and taking pictures, or just admire. Be careful with the cliff!
Beautiful oark..beautiful view...great surfing spot just below the mobile home park....public access...
I live here and feel that I am in paradise! Very quiet, respectful neighbors, friendly to us and our dogs!
Great - I went out there to find out where Sesnon House. (spelling?)is located.
Too expensive for the price you pay out for the coach! Thenthe park charges you thousands of dollars each month (and has the right to continue to raise your Space rent) to live there. One side is very nice but I did tour an area that had open compost between the coach I looked and it was infested with flies.
Its almost impossible to get through the gate to visit my mom now days can you go to turn 80 years old and I cant get through the gate half the time it really pisses me off
Nicely kept grounds, fine facilities, heartbreakingly lopsided corporate space rates.A grandfathered space rate affordable. Otherwise, greed.When an elderly dies, the families suffer miserably with astronomical pricing, forcing moves, sales, opportunistic corporate greed and family grief.This corporation forces elderly to paint, repair, etc, folks on limited incomes.You dont want to fail the inspection.Recent injuries around the dumpsters, too awkward for the elderly to handle.Only recently have they installed a front gate, after many years of foot traffic throughout the park causing problems.House stutters and owners alike agree this is a problem with a long history.There is a drug problem rumored to be nearby, evidence is found regularly around the beaches and approaching boulevard.The existing management would rather have a oceanfront unit empty than consider a more reasonable rent.Wonderful tenants, a geniunely compassionate community.
A very Quiet and peaceful place at the oceans edge
Beautiful views, sight seeing and relaxing destination.
Great by the ocean location . Million dollar placement for less. Staff is great.
Very nice mobile home park. Close to Natural Bridges.
I can never get to my grandma when I need to in any kind of emergency its really irritating the fence they have in the front my grandma gets trapped up in it all the time very uninviting for family and guests
Nice place
Love it
So peaceful
Provide beach access to natural Bridges. Homes for the elderly
Nice place, very photogenic