I brought my daughter and her friends to the Boardwalk this weekend. It was a special occasion for one of the girls. We ended our evening by deciding to get a CaliCaricature black and white face only drawing of my daughter and one friend. There was a couple in line in front of us, and a large family group in front of them that seemed to have many members that came in to do various poses. It was getting later and later as we patiently waited and watched the female artist create their pictures. At some point we decided that we had too much waiting time invested to leave empty handed so we continued to wait. It got darker and colder and we waited. The large family group finally left with their drawings. The artist never acknowledged or said anything to the people in line. So it was of great surprise to us when she turned around and said, “I’m only doing one more.” Meaning she was cutting the line off right in front of us after taking one more couple. There was nobody behind us in line either. So after patiently waiting in line in the cold for over ONE HOUR we were the only ones getting turned away without any warning, or encouragement to come back another time. The artist just turned her back and ignored us, and didn’t have the courtesy to communicate or apologize. We left highly upset and disappointed. It was a sad ending to an otherwise wonderful day. So I would suggest that CaliCaricature train their artists to manage their lines better, clearly communicate in advance when they will be closing, and how many people they will be taking. Use a rope, use a sign, or simply determine in advance where the line ends, and let people know. The way this artist handled our situation reflects very badly on the business she works for. And I hope nobody else has the terrible experience we had.
These guys are the best. Loved being caricatured. Fun and funny.