Pretty fun attraction. Can get you from about one side of the park to another part. When your up high, you can get a nice view of the ocean and the boardwalk too.
Last of the West coast beach amusement parks. Kind of fun but pricey. Sky ride was actually very relaxing. Monday in late July, not to crowded.
The view is amazing it depends on what time of the day you go on. One thing is that it stops alot for the elders but overall its a good ride.
I enjoyed the view its fun the only thing I didnt like about, and I cant complain about it, is the the stopping several times because of the elders need time to set. And as I said I am NOT COMPLAINING.
Take a ride on Sky Glider and you will see a beautiful view of Santa Cruz and the Pacific ocean.If you are sick on a roller coaster, this is a great alternative for you.Also You can observe ancient peoples on a Sky Glider
I like going on the sky glider either right when they open or later in the evening. It only takes a few minutes to go from one side to the other but its a very nice view from up there seen the rest of the boardwalk and a nice view of the beach as well. If you ride during sunset you might get a nice view of the ocean as well but it all depends when you go and time of year as well. Overall is a very fun ride to go on
Beautiful view. Can get chilly up there!
Good view of the park, not at all exciting though.
Long line, but was worth the wait
This one time when I was a kid we spit on the some bald guys head any was really big and pissed and we had all-day ride passes so he kept following us back and forth and we just stayed on it until he gave up on killing us