This has been my home church for 19 years already. And since day 1 this place has been always open and welcoming.There are sooo many good things to say about this place.From everything good here theirs is 1 negative. The parking. There is very limited parking and sometimes youll have to walk a few blocks because this church shares the same street as UPS. Also beware do not leave anything in your car. Many cars have been broken into.My favorite part about RGT is the people. Everyone here is loving and caring and kind. If you are new here you will be treated with a lot of hellos. And since this is a Russian/Ukrainian community. They love their hugs.They have prayer nights on Mondays.On Friday nights they have youth service focused on the younger peoples.On Sunday they have 2 services. 1 at 11am and 1 at 6pm. Even though the majority of the preachings are in Russian. They always have an English translator on stage. So very convenient.Everyone is welcome!