My husband had gotten a big box of fireworks. We thought it would be enough for just two kids. On the 4th My mom, who was visiting from Sacramento, California, said she wanted her grandchildren to have a memorable 4th of July with her grandchildren. We look for a fireworks stand. We start north and head south and all the stands had shut down due to corona. We were beginning to worry that the night would be an early one. Of course we went to google, and the first thing to pop up was Amy’s. So we head over and sure enough it was packed. We did not mind. My mother and my son head in and we thought it was going to be a long wait. To my amazement they were in and out in 20 minutes. So not only do we have the most memorable 4th that, we had ever experienced, but the children would have a beautiful night with back to back fireworks. Amy’s saved us! They have great customer service and speedy checkout. For working the holiday, during COVID, they are champs.
Best firework place to buy fireworks and good people.
Love their selection
Great selection and friendly staff
Great selection and friendly servive
There is a wide variety of different fire works here. With employees to help you with any and every question you have. They carry both legal in and out of the city. From small fire works to large fire works theres something for everyone. The employes can tell you everything you need to know about and what the fire works look like. The shop runs off of the law and you can and will know what is allowed in and out of the city.
Was very nicely organized and priced, but over half of my fire crackers, jumping jacks, and fire blossms where duds. And the smoke bombs where terrible, just a few seconds of smoke as opposed to 30+ with solid ones sold by others.
Jacked up prices this year to take advantage of our lost fireworks and firemen.
Great service. The lady there was awesome.
Inexpensive and the Best in town.. hands down!
Best place to buy fireworks in Roswell!!
Purchased $100.00 worth of fireworks about 80% were duds.