My aunt lives there and a friend its a nice trailer park
Good place. Pretty quiet. My family and I have lived there for over 12 years.
They dont care about the tenants or their problems..just in it for the money
People need to quit letting their kida act wild
Not bad
Nice, clean mobile home park!
Love it, quiet and very nice
Neat clean trailer park
I love this park its so quiet
Quite no shade but quite
Very quiet and clean atmosphere
Some trailers need alot of help
Needs some driveway work.
There is no way you could get me to live there now, I wouldnt even live there if they paid me,,at one time it was a decent place, but they rent and sell to anyone now, plus the owner use to pay the water bill for the place but he had water meters hooked up at each home in their, I think he is the only guy around this area that has the residents pay their water bill, and they have high lot rent, there are nicer and cheaper trailer parks in this area !
Needs better roads
Other than the potholes
Very clean place
Not a good place to live.
My grandmother lives there. Shes had to fix her car port twice due to some people running into it with vehicles and damaging it. My car was one of the vehicles damaged too after a failed car jacking resulted in running into my grandmas car port! But. Its Richmond Indiana, cant expect much else.