If only no stars was an option. Poorly managed with a revolving door of executive directors and interim directors. Staff unable to answer the simplest of questions. Years of gross mismanagement and neglectct have rendered this former city asset barely salvageable.
Nasty people to the residents that live on this street
The art club is so much fun
Its a wood turners Club high end turners if you have question they have the answer about wood.
An incredibly beautiful spot in the heart of the Pontiac Historical District.
That was the first time I had been in the Pontiac creative art center and I was very impressed. I will try to make it back there for another event.
Very nice atmosphere for get togethers
Awesome space! Great lighting, a stage and a balcony. They have great exhibits--often. Summer camps for kids, wood turning, pottery, dance, etc! They also host the Yaktown Poets Revue, one of the hottest tickets for adults Pontiac.
This is a very nice space! The event was amazing!
Too small people were turned away
Great place. Detroit area woodturners meets here it works out great
One of Pontiacs hidden gems!!
Love the varoius expressions of the arts made available to the community!
Great place. Friendly people
Beautiful. Recent water damage upstairs but they are working on fixing.
A great community asset!
Not a lot of parking.
Great place
Great place for the family
Multi cultural
Wonderful center
Expected more