We just started this year with NVCA In kindergarten. The team has been fantastic with COVID prevention policies. Daily and weekly updates on how our kiddo is progressing and what they are learning. Weekly chapel services and bible study daily.
NVCA is an amazing Christian school! The curriculum and faith based learning has been very rewarding for our two children. We are very pleased to have our children attend NVCA!
My children are considered a “minority” at the school BUT it has NEVER felt that way to me or my children. The staff know my children by their first name and they are ALWAYS accommodating. And I have to address how awesome their education has been. We just completed our second year and looking forward to another year with our “family “.
Love love love this school! So glad my daughter attends this school :)
This is our second year at NVCA and we are pleased with the direction the school is going. My number one reason for having my boys at a Christian, private school is so they will be surrounded in a Christ centered community throughout the day. We see that here. Our childrens teachers have been wonderful. Our kids are happy and thriving. Curriculum meets our expectations and how refreshing to see traditional math being taught. The school is well staffed to meet the various needs; gifted programs, programs for those with learning disabilities and an amazing Fine Arts Dept. The sports program is also growing. My boys love the P.E. Coach, too! We look forward to many years here and the opportunity to watch the school grow.
This is the most amazing school. My daughter started 3rd grade there last year and has just absolutely thrived. The teachers are amazing, the parents are wonderful and the administration is welcoming and communicative. I just cannot say enough about what a remarkable place it is. Thank you NVCA!
I love NVCA. We have been here for 6or7 years now. My kids love it!
Wonderful School!
Great school. They really try to make sure our children have a successful experience at NVCA
We have been with NVCA since its early years in Anthem. My children have grown up there, and they thrive. It is a growing school, its not perfect, but its home. The new campus is a blessing from God that only happened because of His goodness and grace - and the amazing board members and administrators who put in countless - I mean COUNTLESS - hours to plan and execute every facet of the ministry.My children, like all children, are different and have varied needs. Because NVCA is home to all, the administration is always flexible and accomodates my children with learning disabilities, social challenges and they even allow my homeschoolers to attend part time for electives each day.Jesus is King at NVCA. The Bible classes my middle schoolers take are phenomenal. I trust my kids are getting good, sound Bible teaching. NVCA is a Lutheran-affiliated school, and I appreciate the tradition and liturgy my children have learned over the years.It is true that the academic aspect of the school has had its ups and downs. This has never been my priority, because my kids are average learners and I want them to grow up happy, healthy and stress-free in all areas. However, I can say that the academics are becoming strong at NVCA. I see such a difference as my daughers have entered middle school. The expectations are high, while each child (or teen) is treated as an individual and given the support he/she needs to be successful. I know NVCA has room to grow in this area, but growth is indeed occurring.I encourage anyone looking for a safe, happy, Christ-centered environment for their children to learn, make friends and grow up in to take a tour and shadow at NVCA. Its a special place!
First and foremost, we love NVCA. We have 2 children there. We are thrilled about their teachers. The pre-K teacher remembered my little guy from a camp almost 3 years ago!!! And the new 2nd grade teacher is AMAZING! She is a combo of The Child Whisperer....Mary Poppins...& Mr. Miyagi. My daughter is struggling a bit and her teacher(within the 1st 2 weeks of school) reached out to me asap to get the ball rolling to find help. She even sits at recess in HER spare time to help my daughter. The school even has a BEST program for students needing additional assistance with learning and such things.In one of the whiney reviews, there was a comment about having to help her child subsidize after school education...….. Well duh?! Its so funny how so many people think that just because you invest money into a school, it will remediate your job as a parent to further your child’s education. It doesnt stop at school. It continues when they get home, when they are eating their dinner, and when you put them into bed at night. Parenting and education dont stop....EVER.Here are some facts about education in AZ. If we are going to speak words and attempt to slander a beautiful school, I figure we should have some facts to mix in with those heavy/untutored emotions.1. AZ ranks 47th in national ranking for school systems (public & charter). FYI, that means there are only 3 US states worse than AZ.2. 52% of teachers leave the profession all-together within 3 years or less in AZ (yes, Charter Schools). Why do they leave? Research shows teachers are leaving due to an increased pressure and workload and more duties, which inevitably ends in burnout.3. AZ has a major shortage of teachers, there are jobs everywhere. 74% of public & charter schools have teacher job openings, 20% of teachers will resign mid-year, and 89% of teachers leave their location within 1-5 years.These facts are appalling and unacceptable. Parents, having your kids in a private Christian school doesn’t fix this problem…. obviously. However, having your children in a private Christian school with morals, values, and constant never-ending improvement belief will provide a backbone for them for the future. It will teach your children the fundamentals of responsibility, compassion, hard work, and respect. NOW is the time. WE as parents (whether our children are in public, private, or charter schools) should be getting involved. Our educational system is crying for help. Our schools, teachers, and admin are crying for help. I realize we are all busy…..It appears to me that NVCA and the administration have a backbone. They are transparent. Asking for help, volunteers, and money for your children to have the experience that YOU are paying for is pretty “REAL.” But YOU have to put in the time, do the research, follow the chain of command for your complaints or concerns, and take action. I realize we live in a world now where everyone works. I promise I get it because I do too. I am tired at the end of the day too, but my kids come first. My responsibility as a parent comes first….ALWAYS!NVCA is a great school. They are a great choice. Everything that is meant to happen for you and your child will happen. Everything that is not, will pass by. God’s timing is perfect. Hopefully when you come to tour the school, you’ll experience the wonderfulness and good things it has to offer. Ta tah for now.
My son spent two years at NVCA (1st and 2nd grade). Even though there are a handful of great teachers there, my son made great friends and the campus is new, I would not recommend this school.There is high turn over of teachers, large class sizes, poor decision making from the board and administration and zero transparency.Some staff in administration are there with their own agendas and do not care to partner with parents to better their child’s education.The school cost 10k a school year but they constantly nickel and dime you for every little thing. The school frequently ask for money, donations and fund raises but you never see where your money goes.Although my son was a straight A student both years, curriculum is weak. I am frequently subsidizing his education at home having to pay more money just to keep him up to par.They do MAP testing 4 times a year. His test scores showed no improvement all school year. I had to ask many times for our test scores so that we can see what areas of improvement was needed. But the dean of student kept our scores captive and were not provided to us until the summer.This last school year one family was able to turn 2nd grade upside down- bulling the teacher to the point where she resigned after 13 weeks of school. Administration and the board did nothing to support her. Instead this specific family was given more fuel and were not reprimanded, instead they were allowed more access on campus creating problems all school year as they pushed their weight around.2nd grade lost 7 students total to other schools at the end of the year because of this nonsense. My husband and I pulled our son and put him in public school.This school has so much potential. But at this time they are focused on filling seats and making money to pay off their loans.
Wow this school is truly amazing! I recently toured the campus and could not have been more impressed. I saw on their website they are a STEM101 campus, but I was blown away by what they offer in their STEM lab/program. I loved the small class sizes and how welcoming the teachers were. After the tour I set up a shadow day for my son he loved it and wanted to start ASAP . They are on a waitlist for his grade level this year, but we submitted our application and hoping to get him in enrolled for next year!
Tried to bulldoze. Police stopped me.
I heard that NVCA is a very incredible and an very awesome school. I will be going to North Valley Christian Acadmey next school year!! I am gonna enjoy it!
This place is for Christians who would live to enroll there child into a private school, is right next to Ridgeline Academy, which is a fine school to send them to elementary school!
High turnover for both teacher and families here. No curriculum guide (seems to change weekly). Not a school for high preforming students.
What a awesome school