I will say while making the appointment the owner was super sweet and friendly. However, upon arrival, I mean, I’ve been riding horses all my life. I’ve never seen such a free for all on a guided trail. The guide kept wandering off talking on the phone. Then he’d get mad if we went the wrong way, as if somehow we knew the trails. . The horses would compete to lead. Smashing our legs into other horses. My sons saddle was too loose- he almost fell off - especially when his horse decided he wanted to trot.The guide gave no instruction as we got up on the horse. Each horse has quirks- which the rider should be aware of. My daughter in law was put on a horse with an injury- apparently got caught in barbed wire the guy said. That horse was in so much pain it almost literally fell over going back. That horse should not be going out on trails. There was a little girl in a different party with us. Her horse kept falling behind. Shed never ridden before. My daughter in law went back and helped her catch up . Shed have gotten lost. When the “ tour guide” did talk to us it was more about insulting previous riders. ( who does that). These were a bit high spirited horses we had, which I can handle, but that little girl couldn’t. He said they were the ones he’d have kids ride. Seriously? That could be dangerous. I’d never go there again. You seriously get what you pay for. Next time I’ll pay the little extra and go to a more reputable place. The pictures they show of the ride goes by the lake. In reality- no it doesn’t. We went by a road and through some tall grass where the horses got spooked by a turkey. I also don’t believe we rode for an hour. They have a military discount . My son presented his id when we paid. He did not get discount. The owner had to make the guy reimburse us. He KNEW. NEVER AGAIN. This place is DANGEROUS.
Simple morning ride for us nonriders. Well be coming back again to check out the moonlight ride.
Been many times, always enjoyed the horses, the owner can be a hit or miss depending on your personality and experience of riding
Its good and safe
The horses were in good shape but the owner was rude
Beautiful place i loved it