I absolutely love Athenian Academy! My daughter transferred from a local public school to Athenian 4 years ago and I never looked back. She would stay til college if we could! The teachers and staff are incredible, helpful and extremely involved. They welcome parents to be involved as much as possible. They hold the students accountable and teach discipline, but also have A TON of positive reinforcement! Overall I couldn’t have asked for a greater place for my girl to be! Mr. M and Ms. Nichols are AMAZING!!! They know EVERY students name and say good morning and goodbye to each student every day. They care about the students like their own children and that’s rare to see!The optional mask decision was also HUGE!!! I couldn’t imagine forcing children to wear a mask 7 hours a day. The fact that they can wear them when and if they choose is a true game changer!The performing arts program is outstanding! The performances are always incredible, and the things the kids learn from being in the program are skills they will keep with them forever!Oh, and officer Paris is a blessing and delight! He keeps our kids safe and keeps us parents calm!
Words cannot truly describe how much I would recommend this school. I was a student in this school from 2012-2017 and while many changes have happened since my first day of attending, the changes were in the best direction. The principal (who by the way, so many of these reviews draw them out to be this awful guy, when he is nothing of the sort) turned the school around from going downhill to going uphill. He expanded the arts program at the school and led the three recent productions that were produced, he “updated” the school in terms of technology and he got teachers who while some are strict, always have your best interest in mind. This school is like a family to me. They have been providing and have helped me in times that, I truly needed it. I was struggling with some issues, they accommodated me and helped me with what I needed to succeed. The teachers TRULY want you to succeed in their classes, they try their hardest to make it so you can succeed. Even if you are a troubled kid, they try to help you get your behavior in check and if your falling behind, help you get your schoolwork. I would highly recommend this school to anyone who is looking for a tight-knit, family esque school.
My daughter is a kindergartner at Athenian this year. She’s our oldest so this is our first time sending a child to “big school.” I was a little nervous about how she would do but it has been the best experience so far! She has a wonderful teacher. The staff is so great and always friendly. They communicate to families regularly and clearly. Our daughter is learning so much so quickly! It truly feels like a family. Highly recommend to anyone considering this school!
We love it here! I don’t know what we would do without Mrs. Day she is my daughter’s kindergarten teacher. I’m so grateful for her making the transition for us and our daughter so easy. She always has positive things to say to our daughter and always does her best to help our child succeed. Mrs. Day communicates with us constantly and I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher for our child! I hope that Mrs. Day knows how much we appreciate her and how much we adore her. I also want to give a shout out to the ladies in the front car line especially Mrs. Nichols (whom my daughter looks forward to seeing every single morning) each morning these ladies work quickly to get our children out of the car with a smile (well I think they’re smiling, hard to tell with the mask ) they wish AB a great day and it means so much to us! We love this school and are so thankful to be a part of this “Ohana” thank you to Athenian Academy for their dedication to the students and their families.
My daughter started Kindergarten at this school Aug 2020 and I have to tell you how seriously impressed we are with the school. The administrators have been so incredibly helpful, especially Ms. Nichols.My daughters bus driver, Mr. Nigel, has been amazing and overly attentive to us as parents. We feel so comfortable with him getting our baby to and from school safely every day. Not only that, but my daughter absolutely loves him! In fact, she named a kitten we rescued “Mr. Nigel”!Her Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Temple, has been so attentive and patient as our 5 year old gets used to Elementary school. Also, our daughter has come home from school with homework and we have been BLOWN away with seeing her do homework on her own, while understanding it completely. She’s also beginning to read and its only the second quarter of school!Wow! We absolutely love it and look forward to sending out next Kindergartener in 2021!
We love Athenian Acadmey! My daughter always has a good day and she loves everyone! All the teachers she has and those who are support staff are doing an amazing job with her, if only we could stop her talking some of the time. Ms. Long is doing an excellent job in aftercare and helping parents navigate for after school.Love having Ms. Nichols (spelling) back! I feel there are a lot more kiddos then last year so Mr. Markowitz and his team are doing an excellent job with keeping all kids safe and parents informed
What a wonderful school and SUPER teachers and staff. The Principal is awesome; he is very active with the children and is very visible on the campus. The school program is aggressive learning and I am amazed at what the children are accomplishing at such a young age. Way to go Athenian Academy!!!
We are pleased with Athenian Academy so far! Our daughter has an amazing teacher, who communicates with us daily. Our daughter joined the school above grade level and was not being challenged academically at our zoned school. We have loved how much our daughters teacher has pushed her this year above grade level.The office staff is amazing, as is the schools officer. The administration has been great too, we were quite surprised how present they are around the school. At our previous school, we hardly ever saw administration, this has been a welcomed change. I could go on and on but we are just happy that our little girl loves going to school and is being challenged beyond our expectations. Thank you for taking care of our little girl.
I first heard about Athenian Academy through a friend who had children attending the school. At the time, I did not know much about charter schools and what made them different from our local school so I inquired about a tour. The school was so open and welcomed tours. I visited the school and I immediately knew this school was doing great things for kids. Each classroom I went into I saw something exciting. There were kids on computers, students dancing while learning vocabulary words and kids working together. When Mrs. White introduced me to the Principal and Assistant Principal they had an office full of kids. They explained that those students had worked hard to earn principal for the day and were spending the day with them. It was wonderful to see that these kids loved them enough to work to spend the day with them. My daughter joined Athenian Academy this year and I could not be happier. She loves going to school. She raves about her teacher and always has something to talk about when I pick her up. The teachers, front office and administration seem to know every single kid by name. They are always saying hi to them in the mornings and greeting them. I have watched the teachers and administration stand outside in the pouring cold rain to greet the kids in the morning. They truly seem to love each kid. My daughter loves her friends in kindergarten and always talks about the work they do together in class. The school uses Kagan (which I had to look up) as part of how they teach the kids. This seems to be wonderful for them! The students are always working together to grow their learning and my daughter loves it! I have a million great things to say about this school. I am so thankful that I listened to my friend and enrolled my daughter here.
My family has moved many times while my husband was serving his time in the military and we have finally settled down here in Florida. I was concerned about the surrounding schools so I took a leap of faith on Athenian and it was the perfect choice for our kids. Being able to have all three of my kids in one school has been a huge help. I love that everyone at the school knows the names of my children and also our names. When we come to visit the campus we are always greeted by smiles and waves. It is great seeing the staff each morning call out across the courtyard to the kids to start their day on a positive note. The principal and assistant principal cant even walk across the court yard without being tackled with hugs from kids. It is very apparent that they are loved and involved with the students. The teachers were great at helping the kids get settled after starting in the middle of the year. Two of the teachers even scheduled personal conferences with my husband and I during our first week to explain everything to us. No school previously had done that for us during our many moves. My kids, my husband and I are looking forward to next year. They are so excited to join the performing arts program and take a trip to Disney to perform! Only at such an amazing school would kids get such great opportunities.
This is my familys first year at Athenian and my three kids LOVE this school! Moving them here was the best thing we ever could have done! They wake up excited to go to school each day. Two of my kids are in the chorus program and can not wait to perform at Disney this year! Everyone at this school puts their heart and soul into the kids. The principal, assistant principal, teachers and staff go above and beyond to make this a special place for kids to learn.
This is the first year my child has attended this school and I knew a month in that I would not have him return next year. I have more reasons for this opinion than I rather count but Ill list the three that bother me the most.1. No Backpacks - No child except with a doctors note, that is correct, a doctors note is allowed to carry a backpack in school. Instead the children have to use a zippered binder. To me this makes absolutely no sense, and no one at this school can give me a logical or otherwise answer to why this rule is in place. So instead of putting all of their belongings in a backpack, the children are forced to carry their jackets, lunchboxes etc separately including this bulky binder that is the size of a couple phone books.2. Before School Care - I start work pretty early in the morning so I utilize the before and after school care program. The before care program is supposed to start at 630am, but it does not. The woman assigned to be there at that time shows up when she feels she is ready it seems. Ive waited personally to 640 for her to open the door while she plays on her phone. This happens daily and she has never once apologized for being as late as she has.3. Dismissal - According to the staff, dismissal for the students is at 3:05, which Ive only seen once. Every day they are dismissed at a different, even as I type this, its 310 pm and the children are still in their classrooms. Wait, it gets better. Not only are they dismissed at different times each day, if they are are a car rider, they must wait longer. I have personally seen the children not be able to go to their parents till 330pm, 25 minutes after they were supposed to be released. And you can forget about going to the gate to pick them up, they hold them hostage until the staff is ready and tell you to leave and wait somewhere else.As I mentioned, my child wont be back next year. I would take him out sooner but hes already gone through 3 1st grade teachers and I dont want to confuse him any more than they already have.
We visited and compared the various schools in the area and were thrilled to discover Athenian Academy. Our 2 girls are thriving at Athenian Academy and absolutely love the chorus. Amazing teachers, staff, and administration. The school seems to offer something every month for families to do. We couldnt be happier with our decision to enroll our girls here.
My wife and I recently moved to the area and we were not happy with the local schools. After searching for options, we found Athenian Academy. After taking a tour we knew that this was going to be a great place for our 3 kids. They just finished their first week at Athenian Academy and it is great to see them come home excited to tell us about their day. The teachers have been very helpful in getting us set up with the systems at the school and scheduling time to meet with us. I am excited to attend the events that the school offers for families and get involved.
I would think twice before sending your child here. We were promised so many things and every single thing fell through. They say a students learning experience is based off the teacher and I sure hope that was right for the sake of the school. My child had a TERRIBLE teacher that emotionally and mentally degraded my child. We even met with the principal and my child continued to receive terrible care (testing in a noisy classroom, 24 students in a tiny classroom with barely any room to move, pathetic lunches, the teacher telling me my child wasn’t learning because I wasn’t teaching my child.. I thought that was their job and as parents we reinforced it at home, a snide, snappy attitude whenever I contacted the teacher, and while I was on campus picking my daughter up from school the teacher would blatantly ignore me and roll her eyes). My child was also being bullied at school and the principal and staff did nothing to stop it. I was told that it’s the child age and “it happens”. This school is poorly funded and has no room for the children. On an occasion my child had a friend over from school and they were telling me how the gym teacher got upset with the class and THREW A CHAIR. If you are considering this school I would make sure that you go in, look around for yourself, and really sit back and think about the quality of care and education your child will get.
I love this school. My daughter attends here for the second year. They have an amazing positive behavior intervention program and performing arts program. Ive been very pleased with her teachers both years so far and I sub for the school when Im available. The kids in all the grades overall are a pleasure to be around along with the staff. Nothing but positive experiences for me and my daughter.(5/23/2020) Adding to my experience: I wanted to mention now that my daughter has been here another year including through the covid-19 pandemic, this school has maintained a solid teaching structure to teach my daughter. Live class was offered from 8-2pm every school day. Where in public schools the kids were given assignments and some short videos to watch and thats it. My daughter was able to take her school computer home and have access to all the work needed online without being required to print. Im so impressed with how the admin make executive decisions and hope this school grows to add up to 12th grade so my daughter can stay here till she graduates.
This is my daughters third year here and we love it.The teachers are wonderful, the staff is friendly and close knit.Every day when I pick up my daughter she is smiling and happy.I recommend this school to anyone looking for a small and personal experience.
After searching and searching we found a school to call home! This school is amazing! We have a son in 3rd grade and a daughter in 5th. They are new to the school this year and I can not say enough good things. I knew the Pasco county district schools were not giving them enough of a challenge. This school provides my kids with daily academic challenges. The office staff greets everyone with a smile and are always helpful with information. The teachers are so enthusiastic and really push the kids to do their best. There is no slacking at this school. Each person there works to make each child the best that they can be. The administration team is always in the classrooms and really seems to love the kids. My children are always coming in and talking about how Mrs. Nichols read a story to them or Mr. Markowitz came in to learn with them. My kids love that there are computers that they use daily in the classroom and my daughter never stops talking (or singing) about chorus. This school is really preparing my children for the real world and their future! GREAT SCHOOL!
Love this school! The new administration has made leaps and bounds with the facilities... I appreciate their concern for my childs education.
Well, I did have high hopes for this school .However I will list my issues1. The security guard is great and very friendly, however during the first week of school it was an absolute MAD HOUSE. Very disorganized, very uncontrolled . I was recently made aware from a “random” parent that I do not know, that he found my child crying off to the side alone and because he couldn’t find a teacher, he then walked her to her classroom.Now this is amazing that my child was alone long enough to physically become upset and crying and a complete stranger had the time to talk with my child and find her class room. No staff member realized this wasn’t his child. He could have walked off with her in a second . Said I forgot something and walked with her to his car Ect. That Alone was enough for me to take her out of the school. Especially since he principal didn’t seem to believe it happened despite me having 2 other parents sitting right next to me heard the whole thing .2. The instructions of the homework is very vague. When I expressed my concern about the instructions to my child’s teacher, she was extremely rude and all but made fun of me for know understanding how it was written .“Draw means draw and write means write “ we DONT DRAW numbers we WRITE numbers.Even tho the instructions said “ draw to match “It was meaning to draw the objects and match them not the numbers . Dumb.3. Car loop . In the morning you have 1 woman out there watching kids unload... and you are LUCKY if they open your door for the kids to get out. So usually you had to park the car in loop get out, get the kid out, get back in the car and pull up in loop. Ridiculous. They have another woman working the cross walk and that’s her job she gets upset if she has to open the car door.4. Directing car loop. Since I complained they have now started caring about car loop. I’ve seen cars park people get out go get their kids and try and back out while the entire school is in loop. My car got hit at a dead stop in loop.And my car has almost been backed into while people are trying to get out of the parking spaces. I’ve seen cars drive OVER the cement to get out instead of waiting in loop.5. Open house. Now we just had 3 kindergarten classes cramed into 1 TINY classroom lol to the point where people just left because it was beyond ridiculous.6. Detentions for being late. 3 times and it’s a detention. Why would you punish a child for the parent having things happen?7. They were supposed to have Greek and spanish they have neither .
How do you know a school is great? When it is the first official day of summer and your children are already missing their teachers! My kids came home crying on the last day of school. Not because they are going to miss their friends but because they are going to miss their teachers and the staff at Athenian. My daughter made me promise that I would take her to visit Mr. Markowitz, Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. White over summer. This school has been through its ups and downs with the past principals. We have been there for years. Many times we almost left and then Mr. Markowitz and Mrs. Nichols took over. They are the BEST thing that has ever happened to this school. They got rid of the teachers that did not have the heart needed for teaching and they created a place where students really wish to be. They are tough and stick to what is best for kids. I have never seen such a caring group of staff members. I hear horror stories from my friends that the public school close to our house is full of teachers and administration that do not care about kids. Th teachers and administration at Athenian will go to the end of the earth for the students at this school. I have seen first hand how they go the extra mile and view the kids as their own. My daughter has always done well but my son was shy and has struggled with reading. Mr. Markowitz and Mrs. Nichols personally pulled him into their office to help him with his reading and encourage him. After this he began reading at home and asking his teacher if he could go visit them. The teachers there do not tolerate students who mess around and the administration team always addresses behavior. I could not ask for a better place for my children. My husband and I are happy to have the two most important things in our lives in the hands of the Athenian staff. If you are looking for a school to challenge your kids, teach them right from wrong and allow them to be loved while at school, THIS is the school for you! Now if only I could convince them to build a high school so that my kids would never have to leave.
This school is one of the best around. My granddaughter goes here and they have done tremendous work with her.
I love this school. We pulled out Daughter out of public school to attend in the 6th grade. That year was rough due to staff change over, but all in all Mr. Markowitz and his staff have addressed every issue I have had in a timely, from bullies to a teacher I felt was aggressive during orientation. The uniform was a change but I love the simplicity.
We are so thankful for the Athenian Academy of Pasco. Before we enrolled our children in Athenian Academy, two of our children would cry when it was time to go to school. One of them actually gave me a list of reasons as to why she should be homeschooled. Within a few weeks of enrolling them, their idea of school had changed and they were excited. The teachers make learning fun and teach to their learning style. The class sizes are small so they get the one on one attention that they need.The school provides so many opportunities for their students including an amazing performing arts program and band program. By the time my two youngest graduate from middle school, one will have 5 years on the saxophone and the other will have 5 years on percussion.Mr. Markowitz and Ms. Nichols both love what they do and they love their students. They are not only the principal and vice principal, but they also lead the chorus program. They are an amazing team and you can tell that they love their job. They love these kids and the kids love them.I was nervous when we decided to enroll them in Athenian Academy as our 17 year old went there when he was in the 2nd grade and the leadership at the time was not so great. I had my doubts and was really not sure if it was going to work. I “interviewed” Ms. Nichols and asked her a billion and one questions before we registered them. She was so kind to answer every one of them. This is our second year there and I can honestly say that this is the best decision we made for our children.
If there was a ZERO star option on here, it would be more appropriate for this school. I agree COMPLETELY with the post prior to mine. I have been an educator, myself, for over fourteen years, and I am astounded daily by ineptitude and outright disregard for students and parents at Athenian Academy of Pasco. Only once have I had to utilize their aftercare program, and when I went to pick up my children, I found my daughter wandering alone in an open courtyard with an open gate which leads to an open parking lot which leads to heavily trafficked road. No one noticed she was missing from aftercare even though there were only five other children inside. I have also attempted to volunteer numerous times this year; however, with the exception of the one classroom teacher (Ms. Mage, you are wonderful), no one wanted my help. When I did show up on campus to help when the call went out that they need it, the staff was rude, ungracious, and disinterested. I could go on...and on...and on...but the more I think about it, the angrier I get that I am going to have to pull my children out of this school and look elsewhere. My children deserve better, and believe me, so do yours. DO NOT send your children to ATHENIAN ACADEMY OF PASCO,
Dont trust all of these reviews saying that this school is good. I know for a fact that they are all fake, because I took my two children, both Second Graders, to this school and every time they would come home from this school crying. They said that the teachers did nothing about them getting bullied. Both of my daughters always came home from this school with various scrapes and cuts saying other students pushed them, and what makes me mad is that not only was it the other second graders, but they told me that students from the other grades were bullying them. Unbelievable. And this Mr. Markowitz guy does nothing about it, even saying that I never mentioned it to him when I very well did. Any school is better than this.
Okay to be honest I went there it was great and I had some issues with one of the teachers but it was okay because I dont have to wear a uniform all my life really good teachers like ms.barker, coach Willard Mrs.Hamilton these are all good teacher star war lovers too they are so cool and nice
THIS SCHOOL IS A JOKE !!!! The teachers are constantly quiting or getting fired. There are alot of bullies!!!! staff doesnt do anything about it. The majority of the teachers dont explain there work to students... The breakfast and lunch is terrible sometimes the meat is raw.. my children have failed most subjects due to teachers not explaining the work ... 1 day my daughter saw her teacher watching 50 shades of grey while kids were testing!!!! The school dress code is a disaster they give out infractions over the stupidest things like different color socks, or different color sweaters they will snatch ur kids sweaters away in a 45 degree weather just because its not navy blue.. kindergarten through 8th grade students get detention over these pathetic things 3 fractions equal a suspension.... The principal is another joke he acts like he is a warden or something grabbing my 6yr old by the back of her neck cant take him serious ... The bus driver is an emotional mess talks bad to the children always haves an attitude as if she hates her job!!! Overall this school SUCKS!!!!!! These people do not care about these children at all u have kids that have emotional problems attending this school and no one offers them help... if i can rate this school ill give them a (( - 5 )) I DONT RECOMMEND THIS SCHOOL TO ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!
Even giving this school one star is a complement. Absolutely the worst school I have ever attended in my life. Dont trust all of these fake reviews saying this school is good. It is the worst school. Ever. First of all, the school lunch is absolutely terrible. Eating bird feces off of the sidewalk would be better than this schools lunch. Sometimes students cant afford to pay for the outrageous price for the food, given the quality, if I can even dare to call it that. If your child runs out of money on his or hers lunch account, they will give your child two cold slices of stale bread with a single stiff piece of cheese. Not to mention, a lot of the teachers here are absolutely rude, and quite frankly, dont care about what your child is doing. All they care about is the paycheck. Literally all of the middle school (and some of the younger grades too) are completely rude, and have no disregard for others, ESPECIALLY the 6th graders. They are all EXTREMELY inappropriate. Dont waste your time with this school. They literally have Barbed Wire fences, further proving my point that this school is more of a prison.
My children have attended Athenian Academy for the past 4 years, and we are in our 5th year here. I chose this charter school because of the smaller classroom sizes so the teachers could focus more on the kids. I have never had any issues with any staff member, in fact every single one has gone out of their way to answer my questions, or help me or my girls with any issues they encountered. I have observed staff when they dont realize I am watching, am I am proud to say that they treat children like they care about them, that they want to see every child succeed in life. This to me is gold as a parent. My husband was sold on the fact that there is a perimeter fence, protecting the kids from any person off the street from entering into the school. Last year was a bit shaky as they were going through a few issues, but they proposed a solid plan to the parents and have been working hard at implementing this plan. This past summer, the staff and volunteers put most of their summer into rehabing the school interiors and exteriors, which look fantastic. Their hard work has really paid off. They have many new teachers, many who have said to me personally that they have never encountered a school staff who felt like family, that the principal was working with them and was fully supporting them. I am a HUGE fan of Mr. Markowitz and Mrs. Nichols taking on as principal and vice pricipal. They are a power house team, as my daughter was in chorus last year and they worked with her. They love the children, anyone can see it, with the endless hours they pour into the kids. The staff are very happy, always smiling, always helpful. There will always be issues to deal with, but every staff member I have had to talk to over the years, uses sound judgement and help figure out ways to help my girls.They arent just there for a paycheck. Unless we move to another state, we will never leave Athenian Academy. Hopefully theyll have a high school by the time the girls get to that age.
I go to school there and Its great
Small school setting, great education programs and foreign language
I used to be a student at this school. I absolutely loved it!!!!!!!!!!! You learned many fun methods and different languages.
I am going to this school in next year I went to it to meet my teacher
Awesome place
Everything could be better than now.