I attended the pre-college program many years ago. The environment is one of a kind and the instructors are as well. I wish I had stayed and finished my degree but I transferred to a different school. My one year there as a freshman was memorable. The pre college program gave me a good idea of what to expect as a full time student. I would suggest anyone that wants to make a career using there gifts/talents to try the school out.
Daughter transferred in as a sophomore and is very happy with the move and transition to MIAD.
Such a beautiful institution.
My daughter is a freshman starting this year,2018-2019. The freshman move in and parent /member meetings and picnic was the smoothest operation I have ever seen in my life!!!My daughter is so excited about attending this school! Her mom and I are just excited as she is! We are so glad that we chose MIAD for our daughter to go here. Amazing is all I need to to describe this school. My daughter will succeed and make something of herself at, Milwaukee Institute of ART &Design!!!!Yaaaaay!!!!! Wow!!!!
This is an incredibly strong school of Industrial, Communication, and Interior & Architectural Design. You will leave these programs of study ready to get an awesome job and represent yourself well.Do not go here for anything with studio practice in the title. The arts program was recently assimilated into an all-in-one interdisciplinary curriculum and it is awful, specialties and focuses have been removed, and some of the staff are absolutely unprofessional jokes. Go to MIAD for design, for art, go anywhere else.
This school is perfect for any artist. Remember theyre not teaching how to draw and crap, you are an artist who applies with your portfolio, so if you get in you should already be a pretty well off artist. They gave me so much advice and I now know who I am as an artist. I did drop after the first year, not because it was bad but because of depression/anxiety and college was just no. I would probably wait a year after you graduate high school to rack some bucks and then go. Its great. Damn wish I couldve stayed but yeah.
Kristi Wood you must not have become a successful designer or artist because all of art and design is making work that is biased based off your clients opinion.Thats what they are teaching you. How to read your client.They also do teach a lot of skills as well.You must be the 50% that fail or drop out freshman year and never see the real value of MIAD.Best of luck
Gallery night most stop even in a blizzard
I took my daughter here for their open house this past summer. We were both highly disappointed.We were both bored the entire time. The people who were there acted like it was the last place they wanted to be. No enthusiasm. No excitement. Watching weeds grow from a crack in the sidewalk seemed more interesting. They couldnt even give a really great reason to go to MIAD, except it had 9 beaches nearby! Most of the 6-8 noted people that had graduated from the school had merely stayed in Milwaukee to work! Wow. So, once you are in Milwaukee, you will NEVER LEAVE! I dont even think any of the faculty is over 30 years of age - at least none that I noticed.The school looks (and is) just an old warehouse that desperatedly needs work. It has no atmosphere. Just throwing a little paint on cement does not make a great school. Ive gone to an art school and this place was just dull. The building needs work. The emotions of people running the orientation were equally as so.Also love the Mens toilets. For transgendewed. Not the womens toilets. If I felt like a woman, I couldnt use that one! Geez.It is claimed to be a safe place. While waiting for my daughter to return from her (overlong - nearly missed lunch altogether) tour, I was approached by a panhandler at the entrance! Safety?!?Not for my child. Not for the type of money that they want.Try another art school.
As an adult who went their straight out of high school and one that returned trying to get a degree with a child and one on the way in 2015/2016 school year i can say this.FOR CHILDREN (by which i mean young adults right out of or still in high school) it is perfect for catering only to that age group, ONLY as long your full time and have a vast amount of resources by which to complete projects with all or nearly all of the teachers advertising for Utrecht/Blick the highly expensive art supply store across the street. With the announcement of full time tuition reaching upwards of U.S. $34,000 a school year, I personally could not consider it fiscally responsible to attend said school any longer (especially with places like Alverno/UWMilwaukee/WCTC/Carroll nearby at a portion of the cost).FOR PARENTS OF STUDENTS: The so called mentor system is an extremely laughable joke. For all students enrolled in Understanding the Visual classes they make you attend after class mandatory meetings that are about an hour in length late in the evening, waiting the students valuable project/work time. Some of these classes are about risk reduction. I am a former student that was older than my mentors. The mentors were perfectly OK with one student attempting to argue that she believed alcohol had no affect on ones actions. Most of the students attending this school have had no influence of being drunk, including the one mentioned above, and therefore do not completely understand what it means. As a parent myself I was appalled at the waste of money put into the mandatory Risk Reduction meetings. Along with the fact that they really do not prepare a young person for the dangers of being out in the world on their own, the examples they chose to give those students and the what should you do responses that accompanied them where completely terrible.To sum it up: This school is only for 18 year olds fresh out of high school that have parents you can pay for every thing and dont have to go out and get a job that takes away from project time. IT IS NOT for working adults with families and rent and bills to pay. With that being said the vast majority of staff here are artists themselves and understand the undying love of creating art. They are pretty good at helping you achieve youre project goals. The deadlines are tight and the workload is heavy. If your going to go I recommend not trying to overload your classes, 18 credits is A LOT for one semester. Just stick to 12. You can always take courses in the summer. This is a good place for beginners that have the money, but not so great for artists already making a go of it or, those that need more financially. You get out of this place what you put in.Buyer Beware
Its a Trap, Honestly. Good teachers, Terrible school
None of the students that go here leave tips.
Too expensive to send my kids there, glad I graduated 20 years ago!