Beware, people. The City of Loveland is pulling a scam on people parking on Rossum. Last time I was there I was issued a $40 ticket for not having an open space daily parking sticker on my car... I wouldnt complain, but THERE ARE NO SIGNS INDICATING IT IS A FEE AREA. none whatsoever.
I am eating crow here. I posted a previous review claiming the city of Loveland was running a parking fee scam at Oxbow. I was wrong. The ticket I got was misleading, it took me until today to realize the ticket was for expired registration plates, nothing to do with open space parking sticker fees. Mea culpa.
It is very peaceful, I went to fish the river. Ill be back soon.
Great wildlife. Super trail.
Basic Natural Area. Short Trail on level Terrain That Loops back around. Dogs welcome on leash. No parking lot. Not a developed Park. No restrooms no facilities no playground. Borders the Big Thompson River. One block from the Western end of the Loveland Recreation Trail
The Big Thompson, up close, on level paths. Deer and elk use the area as well. Side path connects to Hidden Hogback.
Lots of wildlife, very relaxing.