It’s not rhythmic gymnastics. I took my daughter for a trial lesson only to find out that is a theater class mixed with ballet, gymnastics and some rhythmic. They train all year for one performance. I witnessed very disturbing behavior coming from the trainer lady. She was demeaning and kept mocking one little girl who is overweight only because she couldn’t do the back bend. Poor gir was in tears. I understand some coaches are strict but this is something different. Most parents only drop off and don’t stay to see it. With two athletic kids. I’ve dealt with coaches for many years, and believe me when I tell you that it was heart breaking. Never took my daughter back.
Well I really never been there and is it really a gymnastic place someone please respond if it is a good place for my 11th year old daughter to get classes there.
I am going there so I cold learn jimnantics Please respond if it is a Jim nasties place
I think its a Gymnastics place