I have never seen the island. So . Beautiful! I would love to visit someday. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
One of my favorite quick hikes and workouts on this side of the island. Beautiful views from the top.
Not an easy hike. This will test your will power on the way up. Just when you thought it was hard it gets harder once you reach the vertical climb. This hike is NOT for those who do not hike regularly. If you choose to go bring Gatorade or a form of it. Once you reach the top youll be rewarded greatly. If you like this hike and want to try something more adventurous check out the Koko crater rim trail.
The hike itself is very challenging, which is great if you are up for a great challenge. The view was just breathtaking and worth the hike. The only reason I am not giving it five stars is because some of the trail is very rugged and can be a bit dangerous if not using enough caution. It was definitely a breathtaking view, very challenging, and an amazing accomplishment.
Just an FYI, if youre not a hiking person, DO NOT GO. But it isnt impossible if you want a challenge. Go in the morning for the best experiences. Bring a lot of water. It is longer than you think, so be careful about how long your brain thinks the trail is and how long the trail actually is. BE CAREFUL, AND TAKE YOUR TIME!! (IM NOT KIDDING, GO AT YOUR OWN PACE, SAVE YOUR ENERGY, AND REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE TO GO BACK DOWN AFTER YOU GET TO THE TOP!) Be careful, and have fun(try...)! But the view is worth it, so if you want to, go for it! You CAN and you WILL!!!!!
It’s a tough hike! Over 1000 steps on an old rail bed, the view from the top makes it all worth it. Prepare and wear the right clothing and shoes. You want light clothes and shoes that grip. Also watch out for the bees and bring water and snacks. I recommend a fanny pack over a backpack because the pack will get heavy.
Our favorite hike on Oahu so far! The hike is difficult but well worth it with views of the neighboring islands. When you are on your way up if you are a little uneasy about the bridge that you have to balance on the railroad ties you can always take the side trail and make it much easier on yourself!
Challenging trail but so worth it! You’re definitely going to get a work out as you’ve got about 30 minutes of essential stair climbing. Make sure you wear shoes with good traction and bring plenty of water. Some of the best views you’ll get anywhere on the island!
This hike shouldnt be underestimated! Its manageable if youre in generally good shape, but bring LOTS of water and try to complete it earlier or later in the day when its not as hot. Takes a good, steep hour to get to the top, but the views are absolutely incredible and worth the journey up. Even on the way down, you need to go a little slow because of how steep it is near the top. If youre up for the challenge, dont miss this hike, because it resulted in some of the best views we had anywhere on Oahu or Big Island.
A pretty intense walk but the views are totally worth it. Just be prepared with sunscreen and water.
Hard, but like most hikes in Hawaii the views are worth it.
Some of the most beautiful places Ive seen
Amazing for sunrise
Great place to go for a moderate hike. Very family friendly. Fun for all who want a challenge and a great view. Its only half a mile up. Once you’re up there you feel like you’re on top of the world.
We did it with 4YRS daughter & 5YRS son. Some people said it will be turf, yeah, it was true!!!!! So many stairs, my old enemies... But my children didnt give up, kept trying to climb. So proud of them♡
One of the best hikes I have completed. It is difficult for sure. If you are scared of heights then dont do it. MAKE SURE you wear light clothes, made the mistake of wearing chinos shorts and it made the hike 10 times more difficult. Also wear shoes that grip and bring water.
If you are planing to visit Oahu hiking Koko Head must be on your list. The view from the top overlooks Hanauma Bay and is one of my favourite spots on the island. If you are an advanced hiker you should also hike around the crater and climb down to the botanical garden.(Please dont leave your garbage in the park.)
Hiked the ridge to the stairs from the arch. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.
Excellent hike. Avoid the heat and do it at sunrise or sunset..
Not easy hike, lots of steps but the view is worth it20-30 min up if u in a good shape30-60 if u in a regular oneBe careful on the way back - lots if opportunities to hurt your legs
Definitely my favorite hike if you want to work out! Not too long, but a pretty steep climb at the end. When I was out of shape it took me 35 minutes to get to the top, my best time is 22 minutes, some people takes 15! Wear sport shoes, some people comes in sandals, I think is crazy! There no shades, better to go early morning, or after 4 pm. The view is amazing!
I would like to amend a previous review that said Pet friendly. Please be advised that the terrain is medium to large steps made of railway beams (some of which are in need of replacement), concrete center blocks, and random rocks. Also part of the trail you will be crossing a bridge made up of only railway ties. This is a challenging hike for humans, so please ensure that you pet is comfortable with heights and can transverse rough terrain with little to no assistance. The views are amazing and if you are able to get there by sunrise, you will need to have headlamps or flashlights to make it to the top safely. Be sure to have plenty of water and snacks to enjoy the top for a while before heading back down. It will take the average person about 30 to 40 minutes to get to the top from the Trail head parking .
Koko Heads unique diversity of lanscape, shore, and ecosystem makes it one of my favorite places on Oahu. Some parts, like Hanauma Bay, overflow with visitors; but other parts are largely left alone. Crowds or not, its worth seeing just for the spectacular scenery. There are beaches and snorkeling opportunities as well as dramatic cliffside surf action. Cacti grow well here being one of the drier places on Oahu. There is an short and intense trail up Koko Crater for the very best view.
Came to visit a friend stationed here on this rock. The hike itself is beautiful and brings about a sense of adventure. Probably took a little over an hour going up the track. Certain parts get congested but its totally worth it.
Amazing place!! Good for sports ;) super moment
What a great, calm, and relaxing hike. Perfectly spaced steps and a VERY subtle incline, before you know it youll be at the top.Just kidding, be careful hiking this as the rail ties are only fixed up by the odd volunteer. The hike is doable for new hikers all the way up to advanced. Just remember to always bring sunscreen and extra water, the views are absolutely worth it!
Great hike for exercising and its pretty quick.
Great view once you make the trek. Slow pace takes about an hour or so.
Very difficult climb up but so worth it! Go early before it gets too hot.
WOW! This is an awesome hike! I must admit that I only made it half way up - - not because it was too strenuous, but because I was intimidated by the height of the whole thing. I made it just past the bridge (but took the trail around it). I’m just a scaredy cat when it comes to heights.I can handle the heights, but only if trees, etc. block my view from what is below. This one was beautiful but intense for someone afraid of heights.Pretty rugged workout though and I had fun on the trail. Just sorry I didn’t make it to the top to enjoy the awesome view!
Totally fun it my suck getting to the top but itll be totally worth it
Hike early to avoid the heat and sun. Great workout and amazing views! Definitely worth it.
This is crazy trail. Is really hard trail if you are new to trail hiking like me, be ready to sweat and maybe struggle really hard but the price at the end is worth it.
A very challenging vertical hike! Great visual payoff though!
The view is with the hike!! There are two routes up. Taking the railroad tracks seems to be the more popular. Either way it’s a great hike.
Amazing views from top of mountain. Can take bus from wakiki beach to here. There is also a near by driving range and on other side of road is a beach cove that is less difficult.
B-E-A- utiful hike! Now anyone can hike it. I saw grandparents, toddlers, hefty and skinny people. Everyone can do it! It is hard though don’t take it lightly. Bring water, and sunscreen!!! And if you hike later in the day or mid day.. there’s no shade from the sun. Go early. There’s no hand rails or anything. Plenty of places to stop and sit (on rocks) and take a break. Do it. No rush! Takes about 45 to an hour. The stairs are in even. Wear closed toed shoes!
Definitely try this when you’re in O’ahu! Focus on your feet and you’ll get to the top faster. It gets pretty steep but the railroad tracks help keep traction on your feet.The view is amazing and you can oversee Hanauma Bay.
Super good training!
Nice visit very crowded but nice. Very high traffic with narrow walk way.
Amazing hike!! Literally an old railroad line that goes straight up to an old bunker that was the first line of protection of the island during King Kamehamehas reign!! Be prepared with proper shoes and water. Some areas of the climb do not have mountain underneath be careful and pay attention to your footing at all times! The beautiful view make this hike a must do!!
Fantastic trek up an old railway bed to a breathtaking view overlooking Waikiki
I went two times. First one was rainy day and second time was sunny day. I liked hiking in the cool weather.
Beautiful hike, just about 2 miles total but a very very steep incline! Trail takes you up an old railroad and at some points you must climb the railroad to get up the hill. At one point, I looked back and was taken back by how far up we were (not for the faint hearted!). Highly recommend for beautiful views of Honolulu. Make sure to go all the way up to the top, and see the views from the two* old bunkers!
Brilliant view from above, but many steps to go.
This trail is beautiful but challenging. Get ready for real exercise. Expect to climb, balance, jump. Bring water and good shoes. Athletic sneakers can be slippery. I would recommend hiking boots.
Beautiful views from the top. Can be a difficult hike if its very hot so pack lots of water and take your time going up and down.
Get ready for real exercise. Expect to climb, balance, jump. Bring water and good shoes. Athletic sneakers can be slippery. I would recommend hiking boots. The view from the top of the crater is worth the hike.
Difficult hike but very fun! The view at the top is amazing. You can see a part of Hanauma Bay from up there. Bring lots of water and try to go early in the morning before it starts to warm up. There is also a shooting range nearby and it just constantly sounds like a bunch of fire crackers are going off.
Merry Christmas 2017. Great hike. Dont bring anything cause it will get heavier. The trail is in disrepair but its slowly getting some TLC.
This hike is not for inexperienced hikers. The incline is steep and took us about an hr to go up and 30-40 mins down. We had to take a few breaks going up and we didnt take any breaks going down. Going down was a lot easier.Some parts of it was also slippery from the wooden steps so bring good gripped shoes. Dont bring anything you dont need (bring water, cell phone, and maybe a small towel to wipe your sweat). Best time to go is probably in the early morning when the sun isnt beating down on you. There seemed to be a few shaded areas on the side where you can take breaks. Just take your time going up and know your limits. We saw the fire department going up to pick someone up from the top. The view is worth the hike. Watch out for the gapped bridge. There is a small path near it so you dont have to cross it. The alternative path is safer. We went up the gapped bridge but then used the alternative path going down... I had to climb up on the bridge because I was afraid my shoes would make me slip. My fiance just stood up and crossed the bridge step by step. You will definitely be sore the next day. It wasnt too crowded when we went we went at about 9 a.m. So, parking wasnt too bad. After you park you have to walk to get to the path. It isnt a hard walk. Beautiful views at the top make it worth it.
Ive been on this trail twice, and loved it. Going, its straight up, and coming back, its straight down. The trail is essential a series of steps (not sure how many), and sometimes it turns into actual train tracks. A lot of the steps are high, so you have to lift your legs higher than normal (conversely, on the way back, you have to step down a lot). The most difficult section is the train tracks, which is built in an open area. Not sure what the height is, but it wouldnt be good if you fell off. Ive never seen this happen to anyone (those who are careful actually get on their hands and knees to go across). There is a route around it over land for those who dont want to go over the tracks.The views at the top are killer! Not to be missed. Its definitely worth it, going up, and savoring the views. Just remember you have to go back, so save up your energy, and rest while youre up there. (I personally find it harder going down, than going up).
Very step hike but well worth it for the views at the top. Good workout for sure!
This is a hike that you should do at least one time once you are in Honolulu. The path is more than 1000 steps. Some parts are very steep and not very easy. We did this hike almost at noon and didn’t have enough water. Hiking in hot weather with not enough water made it even harder :) we were lucky that a nice person gave us one more bottle of water at the peek. My advice is do the hike very early in the morning and take lots of water with yourself. Once you reach the peak the view is amazing and worth the effort
Great view. Very hard trail. A good workout. Try to go early morning. After 10am it’s way too hot.
Dont do it in the middle of a sunny day, basically no shade, youll be roasted for a good 1.5 hours during a very strenuous climb. The view is nice but not that special.
It was a really good hike but hard. It took my oldest daughter 35 minutes, my youngest 55 minutes, and 1 hour 5 minutes for myself. If you try this hike, I suggest going early. We started about 10:20 on a humid day, I thought this was late. Carry enough water cause you cant refill. Bring a camera because the views are gorgeous. If you have bad knees or back get better before trying to do this hike. Good luck and have fun! Also once you get to the bridge and is scared of heights theres a side pathway.... If your looking up towards the trail its on your right side.
This trail is beautiful but challenging. Get ready for real exercise. Expect to climb, balance, jump. Bring water and good shoes. Athletic sneakers can be slippery. I would recommend hiking boots. The view from the top of the crater is worth the hike.
Was a great hike. Made it to the top in less than an hour!! My son did it in 22 minutes.
Best hike on island
Right out of the gate, we came woefully unprepared for this, our first hike in Oahu. After being told it was a nice and easy hike, my wife and I set out with only a single, rather small bottle of water. The trail begins misleadingly easy but quickly ramps up as you get to the part where the tracks separate from the mountain and youre now suspended on a train track bridge a good 15 feet from the ground...sure, not enough to kill you but fall the right way and youll spend the rest of your vacation in either a hospital or in a cast. Also, make sure to dress light, have some dependable shoes and wear a hat. Walking up this trail, the sun is literally beating down on you. The weather that day was like 87 but felt like 97 on that climb. Needless to say our bottle of water was gone by the time we got to the top. Upon reaching the end of the climb, youre greeted with some incredible views making the entire ordeal worthwhile. Id absolutely recommend this trial...just come prepared.
This trail is beautiful but challenging. Get ready for real exercise. Expect to climb, balance, jump. Bring water and good shoes. Athletic sneakers can be slippery. I would recommend hiking boots. The view from the top of the crater is worth the hike.
I was there March of this year andmade the mistake of underestimating the hike. Bring plenty of water and good shoes please! I was slipping and sliding most of the way down and almost rolled my ankle. I did accomplish the hike but i was soooo sore for 9 days straight!The view was amazing and so worth it. When i finally reached the top,I just stood there and smiled because i felt so blessed to be in such a beautiful place. I hope I get the chance to do it again soon.Youll feel victorious in the end!Good luck!
An absolute killer on your legs and stamina if you are not fit like me. It was a very hot day when I went so I started stopping every few minutes to sit in the shade. The most frustrating part of the hike is probably the incoming traffic of people and having to wait on the side so they can move past. But it is all well worth the trek to the top.
Fascinating. A must. Be cool and dont run too fast.
This trail is beautiful but challenging. Get ready for real exercise. Expect to climb, balance, jump. Bring water and good shoes. Athletic sneakers can be slippery. I would recommend hiking boots. The view from the top of the crater is worth the hike.
Very very difficult hike! Prepare in advance, because it goes uphill the whole time. Bring the water, and asthma inhaler if needed. The view itself is wonderful! But I dont suggest people who arent in shape or children to do this hike.
My new favorite local cafe. Amazing dumplings which change daily. I had their crispy beef dumplings which came dressed with micro greens, cilantro, thinly sliced cucumbers, and an amazing hoisin sauce. Ive also had their Koko moco which comes in a hot skillet with crispy garlic rice, kimchi tempura, and an incredible mushroom gravy. Everything is made in-house with locally sourced ingredients and its all delicious.
Go for a great hike.
First time I did Koko Head I REALLY underestimated this hike. Bring lots of water, stretch before, DO NOT do it the middle of the day, you may have a heat stroke if you try. As a person who has done it 8 times my advice is: Bring a small camera (that wont weigh you down on your way up), do it for sunrise or sunset (cooler temperatures), do not bring a partner/friend that will slow you down (the faster you make it to the top the better haha) overall, my point is be prepared, do it at the right time, bring water, and you will see an amazing view that is absolutely breathtaking
Nice Trail ! And perfect view on the top !
Hard trail I must say. You should be noticed that there are more than 1000 stairs in this trail. However, the view at the end is astonishing, we loved it and stayed up there for around 1 hour. Best trail in Oahu I would say (except the heaven stairway)
This is not an easy hike by any means. It is tough and you’re going to want to give up about halfway through but it is so worth it at the top. It took about 2.5-3 hours to get to the top and back down. Wear good shoes and I suggest wearing shorts or pants that are not too tight. Keep in mind even though the trail up has “steps” you are still going to have to maneuver around the “steps” at some points. Coming down, a lot of people go on their bum. There is an area where about 15 or so steps have nothing bellow - you can avoid this by the path to the right. Go to the bathroom before hand and stay hydrated!
Good view, ankle check
Great hike! Relatively short, just seems longer as its pretty much straight up and the railroad ties can be precarious. Definitely get there early. Due to a traffic accident we didnt get there till an hour after we wanted, but it was an overcast day which kept most of the heat away. This made the hike MUCH more pleasant. View is nearly unbeatable from the top. Can see into Hanauma Bay, Waikiki in the distance, the Southeast side of the island, the Koko Crater itself is also pretty. Plan a few hours unless youre an experienced hiker. If you experienced, I think the locals were doing it for exercise in about 30-45 minutes. Goals I guess.
The leg breaker.
There is location inaccuracy within Google Maps. Koko Head and Koko Crater are two different locations. Koko Head makes up Hanauma Bay and Koko Crater (where the steep railway track is on) is the higher peak as depicted below.
This was one of the most challenging short hikes I have ever been on. But also one of the most fun/rewarding with an amazing payoff in terms of the view. The top gives you plenty of different angles from which to view the island. Theres also some room to walk around and do a little exploring, meaning the summit doesnt get too overcrowded either. Make sure you bring plenty of water and an energy bar. I have been working pretty hard on my cardio for about 3 months prior to my visit and this hike still came with plenty of breaks, many of which were prompted by me being completely out of breath. We also saw one person being treated for heat exhaustion and another being carried down due to a leg injury. I would not recommend this hike for young children. And even for older ones make sure they are up for it. We saw a few parents dealing with crying children or carrying their kids down.
Tough climb, takes about an hour going up. Some areas were almost vertical! Great workout, make sure you have comfortable shoes. Locals may wear flip flops but dpnt know how they do it! Bring water.
If you have a stairmaster youre still not ready for this one. Ir gets very steep. I went early to catch a sunrise from the top. If you decide to do that remember to bring a flashlight since the is no light along the rail. Amazing views from the top.
By far the best views of the island are from the top of Koko Head. A challenge climb but worth every step!!
Awesome view from the top. For me the hike was difficult, but it has been awhile since I hiked and I am 57 in Simi-good shape. If you are out of shape be very slow and drink lots of water!
A very tough hike. Make sure to bring plenty of water! Super challenging but awesome to say you made it to the top and back :)
I liked lanikia pill box hike way more especially if you go full path. Koko isnt that bad a hike, my 6 yr old did it with no help.Worst part of koko hike, is where you can fall through the railroad ties. Be careful
Start 1.5 hours before sunrise for nice views. Get gopro to record Timelapse. It takes 30-50 minutes to climb stairs (railroad). Wear tshirt climbing up and have a second shirt to change on top ( Your T-shirt will be all wet from sweat and its windy up at the top). Nice 360 view.
A tough hike but the great 360 view is definitely worth it. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes with good grip, and bring a bottle of water. You’ll need it.
We wanted to spend our first day hiking but didn’t want to be stuck in a line of visitors at Diamond Head. Found Koko and just knew we had to do it. Fortunately we read most of the reviews and knew this would be an intensive hike. Tracks starts easy enough but becomes more and more difficult as the trail becomes steeper and steeper. It was well worth it at the top with breathtaking views! Tip, The view at the end of the tracks are nice, but nothing will compare to the view you get if you keep going up! There should be a short trail at the top that takes you to the other side of Koko. There you will have unobrustructured views, which are absolutely amazing!Please wear hiking shoes! It’s already difficult enough with sneakers due to some loose tracks, slippery concrete blocks, major incline, etc. Saw some people freak out on the way down due to having no grip from their sandals. There will be parts on the way down where you’ll need to crouch/crab leg due to the steepness - warning for those with no balance and fear of heights lol. Go in the morning when the sun is not beating down on you. Also, they have a free parking lot which can get full after 9am. If you’re cautious during the climb and descent, this will be one of the best and most fulfilling hikes!
Wear plenty of sunscreen and bring water! Was a great view from the top, absolutely gorgeous!
Fun hike.
Very difficult hike but worth it! Make sure to go all the way to the top, not just to the Landing top.
Tough trail but awesome view.
Really difficult uphill hike but the payoff at the top is incredible. A must hike if you are able. P.S you can see hanuma bay from the top. May have spelled that wrong lol
Koko Head!
This is one hell of a hike. It isnt easy. Get ready to sweat like no tomorrow and wonder why you are doing this. It is worth it when you get to the top though. Stay for a while up there.While waiting for the bus after sundown, I noticed people coming down. Now thats just crazy!