This mobile home park used to be one of the most beautiful and well-kept parks around. But for the past two years or so it has gone downhill so fast. The grounds look absolutely horrible. There are tree limbs laying around everywhere that are dead. Not everyone keeps their lawn cut and well maintained. There is more than one trailer that has not been lived in at least two or more years. It makes me sad to see that this park is not being managed properly.
While visiting friends at this MHP. I had the opportunity to meet the park Management who I found to out going and concerned about my questions . The park is very well maintained also very quiet with very large lots ! My wife and I would love to live here but they didnt have any spaces open at this time. But we will be checking back oftenThis is a Great Park to Raise a Family as my friends have children and love it there and so would we Hopefully Soon!
Very nice park with large lots. Well maintained. Family owned. Reasonable lot rent.
Big beautiful yards, nice homes, family owned!
Visited friends