Good rock is tall. High praise
It was a cool afternoon, grass was nicely cut. We just wanted a place to stretch our legs after a long drive. So we parked and just walked around. Ended up following a squirrel with my little one and smelling some flowers. It was just a nice 10 minutes of leg stretching :)
My husband and I clean up the trash here every time we go. Theres a lot of rif-raf that hang out here but the park is a great memorial!
This is the weekend that Ann&I go to reflect on the losses our military has suffered, This is why we have the freedom to assemble and rememberThanks to our city officials and retired military for putting on this event so we will never forget.
Only interesting place in downtown
Nice park for photos
Beautiful green space in the center of town. City officials ban children, dogs and sitting in the park, but otherwise its a nice space.
Nice location and great for stopping to catch your breath
Great place for hookers and crackheads to hang out at.
Hookers all over the place there.
Love the great history of this State.
Nice park, shady and historic
Its the Burg!
Not very organized
Fun park for kids to run off energy
Right in the middle of town
Always nice to visit
Shady in all meanings of the word
Downtown Fitchburg ma